menmos 0.2.2

High-Level SDK for the menmos platform failed to build menmos-0.2.2
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: menmos-0.2.6


High-level rust client for writing applications using the menmos platform

Compatibility Guarantees

Until menmos reaches 1.0, the only version of menmos that is guaranteed to work with this crate is the version of the menmos client that is pinned in this package's Cargo.toml. Other versions might work, but we won't test them.

Once menmos reaches 1.0, version 1.x of this crate will work for all menmos versions <= 2.0.