Derive Macro memtable_macros::Table[][src]

    // Attributes available to this derive:
Expand description

Derives an implementation of the Table trait from memtable

Specifically, this produces a new struct to represent a table that can store the target data as rows within itself. This will also produce a unique data enum whose variants represent the different possible types outlined by individual fields.

Table-wide Attributes

All table-level attributes use #[table(...)] as the starting point.

Attribute NameUsageDescription
modemode = "dynamic"Sets the mode to use when generating the table
namename = "SomeOtherTable"Changes the name of the derived table
derivederive(Debug, ...)Forwards derive attributes to the derived table
skip_partsskip_partsSkips implementing From bidirectionally between the table and a tuple of its field types
datadata(...)Specify attributes on a derived table’s data

The mode attribute is a bit special in that it decides the underlying table used to power the derived table. By default, dynamic is the mode used when not specified.

Table Mode Settings

dynamicmode = "dynamic"Produces a table that wraps DynamicTable
fixed_columnmode = "fixed_column"Produces a table that wraps FixedColumnTable where the total columns matches total fields
fixedmode(fixed(rows = "..."))Produces a table that wraps FixedTable where the total columns matches total fields and the total rows is specified via the rows param

Data-wide Attributes

All data-level attributes use #[table(data(...))] as the starting point.

Attribute NameUsageDescription
namename = "SomeOtherData"Changes the name of the derived table data
derivederive(Debug, ...)Forwards derive attributes to the derived data

Column-specific Attributes

All column-specific attributes use #[column(...)] as the starting point.

Attribute NameUsageDescription
namename = "..."Changes the name of column when generating methods related to it
indexedindexedFlags the column as indexed for faster lookups at the cost of additional storage


use memtable_macros::Table;

// We define a table that stores users with a name and age
// 1. The table and its data derive Debug, which means we can print it
// 2. The mode has been changed to be a fixed column table underneath
// 3. The name column has been marked to be indexed
#[table(derive(Debug), data(derive(Debug)), mode = "fixed_column")]
struct User {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

let mut table = UserTable::new();

table.push_row(User {
    name: "Fred Flintstone".to_string(),
    age: 51,

table.push_row(User {
    name: "Wilma Flintstone".to_string(),
    age: 47,

// Retrieving data comes back as a tuple of all of the fields
let (name, age) = table.row(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(name, "Fred Flintstone");
assert_eq!(*age, 51);

// We added a debug derive to the table, so we should be able to print it
println!("{:#?}", table);