Module meilisearch_sdk::dumps[][src]

The dumps module allows the creation of database dumps. Dumps are .dump files that can be used to launch MeiliSearch. Dumps are compatible between MeiliSearch versions.

Creating a dump is also referred to as exporting it, whereas launching MeiliSearch with a dump is referred to as importing it.

During a dump export, all indexes of the current instance are exported—together with their documents and settings—and saved as a single .dump file.

During a dump import, all indexes contained in the indicated .dump file are imported along with their associated documents and settings. Any existing index with the same uid as an index in the dump file will be overwritten.

Dump imports are performed at launch using an option. Batch size can also be set at this time.


let client = Client::new("http://localhost:7700", "masterKey");

// Create a dump
let dump_info = client.create_dump().await.unwrap();
assert!(matches!(dump_info.status, DumpStatus::InProgress));

// Wait for MeiliSearch to proceed

// Check the status of the dump
let dump_info = client.get_dump_status(&dump_info.uid).await.unwrap();
assert!(matches!(dump_info.status, DumpStatus::Done));



Limited informations about a dump.
Can be obtained with create_dump and get_dump_status methods.



The status of a dump.
Contained in DumpInfo.



Alias for create_dump.


Alias for get_dump_status.