Expand description


This crate provides two MediaType structs: MediaType and MediaTypeBuf.

  • MediaType does not copy data during parsing and just holds reference to the original string. It is also const-constructible.
  • MediaTypeBuf is an owned and immutable version of MediaType.
use mediatype::{names::*, MediaType, MediaTypeBuf};

const TEXT_PLAIN: MediaType = MediaType::new(TEXT, PLAIN);
let text_plain: MediaTypeBuf = "text/plain".parse().unwrap();

assert_eq!(text_plain, TEXT_PLAIN);

Case sensitivity

MediaType and MediaTypeBuf preserve the original string’s letter case. Comparisons for MediaType and MediaTypeBuf are case-insensitive except parameter values.

let lower: MediaTypeBuf = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8".parse().unwrap();
let upper: MediaTypeBuf = "TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=UTF-8".parse().unwrap();

assert_eq!(lower, upper);
assert_eq!(lower.to_string(), "text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
assert_eq!(upper.to_string(), "TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=UTF-8");


Predefined names.

Predefined parameter values.


A borrowed MediaType.

An owned and immutable MediaType.

A media-type name.

An iterator over the parameters.

A media-type parameter value.


Parsing error.