Module mediasoup::pipe_transport[][src]

A pipe transport represents a network path through which RTP, RTCP (optionally secured with SRTP) and SCTP (DataChannel) is transmitted. Pipe transports are intended to intercommunicate two Router instances collocated on the same host or on separate hosts.

Notes on usage

When calling PipeTransport::consume, all RTP streams of the Producer are transmitted verbatim (in contrast to what happens in WebRtcTransport and PlainTransport in which a single and continuous RTP stream is sent to the consuming endpoint).



A pipe transport represents a network path through which RTP, RTCP (optionally secured with SRTP) and SCTP (DataChannel) is transmitted. Pipe transports are intended to intercommunicate two Router instances collocated on the same host or on separate hosts.


Pipe transport options.


Remote parameters for pipe transport.


RTC statistics of the pipe transport.


WeakPipeTransport doesn’t own pipe transport instance on mediasoup-worker and will not prevent one from being destroyed once last instance of regular PipeTransport is dropped.