media_organizer 0.3.1

Organize media into one folder with a date-centric folder structure.
media_organizer-0.3.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: media_organizer-0.5.4

Media Organizer

Need an organizer for your media content on the computer? Run this!


  • Organize photos and videos in a folder structure based off creation dates.

    • Organize a single media file, or a folder containing unorganized media files.

    • Photos organized based off of EXIF creation dates.

      • Whitelisted photo file types. ("jpeg", "jpg", "JPEG", "JPG", "HEIC", "heic", "PNG", "png")
    • Video organized based off of FFMPEG creation dates.

      • Whitelisted video file types. ("mp4", "MP4", "mov", "MOV")
    • User provides target folder of unorganized images. Will move photos to a default photos directory in the directory where the binary was ran. The outputed folders will be the respective creation dates on the media.

  • Allow configurable destination folder.

    • Use the --dest flag.
  • Organize specific file types. Default to any filetype.


  • C++ build tools (or equivalent like build-essentials) (for ffmpeg-next package)

CLI usage

To quickly organize photos in the target folder, run the following command to output them into the default destination directory.

photo_organizer --target test-media

To add a destination folder for all the organized photos, add the --dest <DEST_FOLDER> flag to the end.

While developing with cargo, forward the flags.

cargo run -- --target test-photos

Future development

  • Organize audio files?

  • Export web assembly binary to use in JS/Node/Electron.

    • Watch out for DEST_FOLDER environment variable.
  • Option to index photos.

  • Option to compress image sizes.