mdbook-katex 0.2.3

Mdbook preprocessor converting Katex equations to html.
mdbook-katex-0.2.3 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: mdbook-katex-0.8.0

A Rust preprocessor for mdBook, converting Latex equations to HTML at compile time. It allows for very fast page loading, compared to rendering the equations in the browser.

This preprocessor uses the Katex crate; see this page for the list of supported Latex functions.


Install the crate

cargo install mdbook-katex

Add the preprocessor to your book.toml file


Use $ and $$ delimiters for inline / display equations within your .md files. Use \$ for a regular dollar symbol.

# Chapter 1

Here is an inline example, $ \pi(\theta) $, 

an equation,

$$ \nabla f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^n, $$

and a regular \$ symbol.


Macros must be defined in a .txt file, according to the following pattern

\R:{\mathbb{R}^{#1 \times #2}}

Then, specify the macros location in your book.toml

macros = "path/to/macros.txt"

You can now use these macros in your .md files

# Chapter 1

$$ \grad f(x) \in \R{n}{p} $$