mdbook-katex 0.2.0

Mdbook preprocessor converting Katex equations to html.
mdbook-katex-0.2.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: mdbook-katex-0.8.1

A Rust preprocessor for mdBook, converting Latex equations to HTML at compile time. This preprocessor uses the Katex crate; see this page for the list of supported Latex functions.


Install the crate

cargo install mdbook-katex

Add the Katex preprocessor to your book.toml file


You can then use KaTex expressions within your .md files, using $ and $$ delimiters. Use \$ for a regular dollar symbol.

# Chapter 1

Here is an inline example, $ \pi(\theta) $, 

an equation,

$$ \nabla f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^n, $$

and a regular \$ symbol.


Macros with no arguments are supported. They must be defined in a .txt file, according to the following pattern


Then, specify the macros location in your book.toml

macros = "path/to/macros.txt"

You can now use these macros in any .md file

# Chapter 1

$$ \grad f(x) \in \Rn $$