mc-sgx-core-build 0.7.1

Build Helpers for SGX FFI Crates

MobileCoin SGX: Build Utilities

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Utilities for compiling FFI wrappers to SGX libraries.

Environment Variables

Below are environment variables that affect the building of the SGX FFI wrappers.

  • SGX_SDK The path to the Intel SGX SDK. Provides:

    1. The location of the SGX SDK headers.

      Note: the DCAP headers are assumed to be in the default system include path

    2. The location of the SGX SDK libraries for linking

    When SGX_SDK is not set:

    1. The vendored local directory headers/ will be used for compile time includes
    2. /opt/intel/sgxsdk will be used as the linking directory for SGX SDK libraries
  • CFLAGS - Used when generating the rust bindings. Useful to specify system include paths. Multiple arguments can be separated with whitespace. This does not support escaped whitespace as specified in