Module mav_sdk::grpc::telemetry[][src]


Nested message and enum types in Odometry.

Nested message and enum types in TelemetryResult.

Generated client implementations.

Generated server implementations.


AccelerationFrd message type.

Actuator control target type.

Actuator output status type.

Angular velocity type.

AngularVelocityFrd message type.

Battery type.

Covariance type.

DistanceSensor message type.

Euler angle type.

FixedwingMetrics message type.

Gps global origin type.

GPS information type.

GroundTruth message type.

Health type.

Imu message type.

MagneticFieldFrd message type.

Odometry message type.

Position type in global coordinates.

Position type, represented in the Body (X Y Z) frame

PositionNed message type.

PositionVelocityNed message type.

Quaternion type.

Remote control status type.

StatusText information type.

Result type.

Allow users to get vehicle telemetry and state information (e.g. battery, GPS, RC connection, flight mode etc.) and set telemetry update rates.

Allow users to get vehicle telemetry and state information (e.g. battery, GPS, RC connection, flight mode etc.) and set telemetry update rates.

Velocity type, represented in the Body (X Y Z) frame and in metres/second.

VelocityNed message type.


GPS fix type.

Flight modes.

Landed State enumeration.

Status types.


Generated trait containing gRPC methods that should be implemented for use with TelemetryServiceServer.