mathru 0.0.4

Simple mathematics library written in Rust


crate documentation minimum rustc 1.30.1

A simple mathematics library written in Rust


- special functions
    - gamma functions
    - beta functions
- statistics
    - distributions
        - normal distribution
        - gamma distribution
        - binomial distribution
        - poisson distribution
        - exponential distribution
        - chi squared distribution
        - beta distribution
        - bernoulli distribution

- elementary functions
    - trigonometric function
        - sin()     - arcsin()
        - cos()     - arccos()
        - tan()     - arctan()
        - cot()     - arccot()
        - sec()     - arcsec()
        - csc()     - arccsc()

    - hyperbolic functions
        - sinh()    - arsinh()
        - cosh()    - arcosh()
        - tanh()    - artanh()
        - coth()    - arcoth()
        - sech()    - arsech()
        - csch()    - arcsch()

    - exponential
        - exp()     - ln()

    implemented for f32, f64, Complex<f32>, Complex<f64>


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

mathru = "0.0.4"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate mathru;


Any contribution is welcome!