[][src]Crate markovian

Simulation of sub-stochastic Markov processes in discrete and continuous time.


Discrete time

Construction of a random walk in the integers, using a closure.

let init_state: i32 = 0;
let transition = |state: i32| vec![(state + 1, 0.5), (state - 1, 0.5)];
let mut mc = markovian::MarkovChain::new(init_state, &transition);

Continuous time

Construction of a random walk in the integers, using a closure.

let init_state: i32 = 0;
let transition = |state: i32| vec![(state + 1, 1.), (state - 1, 1.)];
let mut mc = markovian::CMarkovChain::new(init_state, &transition);

Branching process

Construction using density p(0) = 0.3, p(1) = 0.4, p(2) = 0.3.

let init_state: u32 = 1;
let density = vec![(0, 0.3), (1, 0.4), (2, 0.3)];
let mut branching_process = markovian::Branching::new(init_state, density);


Non-trivial ways to use the crate are described below, including time dependence, continuous space and non-markovian processes.

Time dependence

Include the time as part of the state of the process. Then, the process is "homogeneous in time".


A random walk on the integers that tends to move more to the right as time goes by.

let init_state: (usize, i32) = (0, 0);
let transition = |(time, state): (usize, i32)| vec![
	((time + 1, state + 1), 0.6 - 1.0 / (time + 1) as f64),
	((time + 1, state - 1), 0.4 + 1.0 / (time + 1) as f64)
let mc = markovian::MarkovChain::new(init_state, &transition);
// Take a sample of 10 elements 
mc.take(10).map(|(_, state)| state).collect::<Vec<i32>>();

Continuous space

Randomize the transition: return a random element together with a probability one instead of returning a density over possible transtions in the form of an iterator. Note that this will make some methods lose sense, since the transition no longer encodes all possible transitions.


A random walk on the real line with variable step size.

use markovian::MarkovChainTrait;
let init_state: f64 = 0.0;
let transition = |_| {
	let next_state = rand::random::<f64>() * 2.0 - 1.0;
	vec![(next_state, 1.0)]
let mut mc = markovian::MarkovChain::new(init_state, &transition);
let current_state: f64 = mc.state().clone();
// current_state is between -1.0 and 1.0 
assert!(current_state != 0.0);
assert!(current_state < 1.0 && current_state >= -1.0);

Non markovian

Include history in the state. For example, instead of a u32, let it be a Vec.


A random walk on the integers that is atracted to zero in a non markovian fashion.

use markovian::MarkovChainTrait;
let init_state: Vec<i32> = vec![0];
let transition = |state: Vec<i32>| {
	// New possible states
	let mut right = state.clone();
	right.push(state[state.len() - 1] + 1);
	let mut left = state.clone();
	left.push(state[state.len() - 1] - 1);
	// Some non markovian transtion
	let path_stadistic: i32 = state.iter().sum();
	if path_stadistic.is_positive() {
			(right, 1.0 / (path_stadistic.abs() + 1) as f64), 
			(left, 1.0 - 1.0 / (path_stadistic.abs() + 1) as f64), 
	} else {
			(right, 1.0 - 1.0 / (path_stadistic.abs() + 1) as f64), 
			(left, 1.0 / (path_stadistic.abs() + 1) as f64), 
let mut mc = markovian::MarkovChain::new(init_state, &transition);
let current_state = mc.state().clone();
// current_state has history
assert_eq!(current_state.len(), 2);


pub use continuous_time::*;
pub use discrete_time::*;
pub use traits::*;



Continuous time Markovian processes.


Discrete time Markovian processes.


Traits with two objectives in mind: use trait objects and implement your own stochastic processes.