[][src]Crate markedit

An ergonomic library for manipulating markdown documents.

There are two fundamental concepts in markedit,

  • Matcher - something which can match an Event from pulldown-cmark (typically implemented using state machines or simple functions)
  • Rewriter - something which can rewrite part of a stream of Events (typically just a function)

Together we can use these to transform a stream of Events on the fly with minimal overhead.


The use case which prompted this entire library was to insert arbitrary markdown after a heading.

use pulldown_cmark::{Event, Tag};
use markedit::{Matcher, Heading};

let src = "# Heading\n Some text\n some more text \n\n # Another Heading";

// first we need to construct our predicate
let matcher = Heading::with_level(1).falling_edge();

// we also need a rewriting rule
let rule = markedit::insert_markdown_before("## Sub-Heading", matcher);

// create our stream of events
let events = markedit::parse(src);
// then mutate them and collect them into a vector so we can inspect the
// results
let mutated: Vec<_> = markedit::rewrite(events, rule).collect();

// the heading before we want to insert
assert_eq!(mutated[1], Event::Text("Heading".into()));
// our inserted tags
assert_eq!(mutated[3], Event::Start(Tag::Heading(2)));
assert_eq!(mutated[4], Event::Text("Sub-Heading".into()));
assert_eq!(mutated[5], Event::End(Tag::Heading(2)));
// "Some text" is the line after
assert_eq!(mutated[7], Event::Text("Some text".into()));

You can also use change_text() to upper-case text based on a predicate (e.g. the text contains a certain keyword).

use pulldown_cmark::Event;

let src = "# Heading\n Some text \n some more text \n\n # Another Heading";

// first we construct the rewriting rule
let rule = markedit::change_text(
    |text| text.contains("Heading"),
    |text| text.to_uppercase(),

// let's parse the input text into Events
let events_before: Vec<_> = markedit::parse(src).collect();

// some sanity checks on the initial input
assert_eq!(events_before[1], Event::Text("Heading".into()));
assert_eq!(events_before[9], Event::Text("Another Heading".into()));

// now rewrite the events using our rewriter rule
let events_after: Vec<_> = markedit::rewrite(events_before, rule)

// and check the results
println!("{:?}", events_after);
assert_eq!(events_after[1], Event::Text("HEADING".into()));
assert_eq!(events_after[9], Event::Text("ANOTHER HEADING".into()));

Note that everything works with streaming iterators, we only needed to collect() the events into a Vec for demonstration purposes.


pub use pulldown_cmark;



A Matcher which matches everything.


A Matcher which only returns true when both inner Matchers do.


A Matcher which will detect the falling edge of another.


Matches the items inside a heading tag, including the start and end tags.


A Matcher which will only ever return true once.


A stream of Events that have been modified by a Rewriter.


A Matcher which will match the start of the next top-level element after some inner Matcher matches.


The output buffer given to Rewriter::rewrite_event().



A predicate which can be fed a stream of Events and tell you whether they match a desired condition.


Something which can rewrite events.



Gets all Events between (inclusive) two matchers.


A Rewriter which lets you update a Event::Text node based on some predicate.


Match an Event::Text event with this exact text.


Splice some events into the resulting event stream before every match.


Inserts some markdown text before whatever is matched by the Matcher.


Matches the start of a link who's URL contains a certain string.


Get an iterator over the indices of matching events.


A convenience function for parsing some text into Events without needing to add pulldown_cmark as an explicit dependency.


The whole point.


Match a Event::Text node using an arbitrary predicate.


Match an Event::Text event which contains the provided string.