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Malvolio is a library for writing HTML. While there are many approaches that have developed for producing HTML code inside of Rust programs, most of these use macros; Malvolio’s API avoids trying to escape confines of the language by jumping out the macro “escape hatch”.

Although in early stages, Malvolio works and is suitable for general use. There are likely to be quite a few API breakages, however.

Crate structure (for consumers of the crate)

Most of the important things are re-exported from prelude. If you’re burning to try Malvolio out, adding use malvolio::prelude::*; will import all the HTML tags that Malvolio supports – after that you should be good to go!

Note that although Malvolio should support all of the HTML specification, it might be missing a few pieces – if you spot somethng missing please file an issue! Malvolio intends to support the full specification.

Internally, most things are in the tag module, although some common attributes are in the attributes module.


Attributes which can be attached to multiple nodes.

A list of types which are useful for using the library. Unless you have name conflicts, we recommend just inserting a use malvolio::prelude::*; in files where you’re using Malvolio.

The different HTML tags which Malvolio supports.

A text node.


Produces documentation for utility enumerations.