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Iterators that generate Naturals randomly.


Generates random Naturals greater than or equal to a lower bound.
Generates random Naturals, given an iterator of random bit lengths.
Uniformly generates random Naturals less than a positive limit.
Generates random striped Naturals from a range.
Generates striped random Naturals greater than or equal to a lower bound.
Generates striped random Naturals, given an iterator of random bit lengths.
Uniformly generates random Naturals in an interval.


Generates random Naturals in an interval.


Generates a random Natural with a given bit length.
Generates a random Natural with a given maximum bit length.
Generates a striped random Natural with a given bit length.
Generates a striped random Natural with a given maximum bit length.
Generates random Naturals in the closed interval $[a, b]$.
Generates random Naturals in the half-open interval $[a, b)$.
Generates random Naturals greater than or equal to a lower bound $a$.
Generates random Naturals with a specified mean bit length.
Uniformly generates random Naturals less than a positive limit.
Generates random positive Naturals with a specified mean bit length.
Generates random striped Naturals in the range $[a, b]$.
Generates random striped Naturals in the range $[a, b)$.
Generates striped random Naturals greater than or equal to a lower bound $a$.
Generates striped random Naturals with a specified mean bit length.
Generates striped random positive Naturals with a specified mean bit length.
Uniformly generates random Naturals in the closed interval $[a, b]$.
Uniformly generates random Naturals in the half-open interval $[a, b)$.