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Traits for logic and bit manipulation.


BitAccess, a trait for getting and setting individual bits of a number.

BitBlockAccess, a trait for getting and setting adjacent blocks of bits in a number.

BitConvertible, a trait for extracting all bits from a number or constructing a number from bits.

BitIterable, a trait for producing a double-ended iterator over a number’s bits.

BitScan, a trait for finding the next true or false bit in a number after a provided index.

CountOnes, a trait for counting the number of ones in the binary representation of a number.

CountZeros, a trait for counting the number of ones in the binary representation of a number.

HammingDistance and CheckedHammingDistance, traits for computing the Hamming distance between two numbers.

LeadingZeros, a trait for determining the number of zeros that a number starts with, when written in binary using $W$ bits, $W$ being the type width.

LowMask, a trait for generating a low bit mask (a number in which only the $k$ least-significant bits are 1).

NotAssign, a trait for replacing a number with its bitwise negation.

SignificantBits, a trait for determining how many significant bits a number has.

TrailingZeros, a trait for determining the number of zeros that a number ends with when written in binary.

Various traits for performing logic or bitwise operations on numbers.