initSidebarItems({"fn":[["big_endian_sip_hash","Generates a deterministic Sip hash from `data`, regardless of the endianness of the host machine."]],"macro":[["thread!","This macro is intended to be used in all cases where we want to spawn a new thread of execution and if that is not possible then panic out."],["unwrap_option!","A replacement for calling `unwrap()` on an `Option`."],["unwrap_result!","A replacement for calling `unwrap()` on a `Result`."]],"mod":[["event_sender","Utilities related to event-subsetting."],["log","Allows initialising the `env_logger` with a standard message format. These functions can initialise logging for output to stdout only, or to a file and stdout. For more fine-grained control, create a file called `log.toml` in the root directory of the project, or in the same directory where the executable is. See log4rs docs for details about the format and structure of this file."],["serialisation","Functions for serialisation and deserialisation"],["thread","Utilities related to threading."]],"struct":[["SeededRng","A fast pseudorandom number generator for use in tests which allows seeding and prints the seed when the thread in which it is created panics."]]});