magic 0.6.2

libmagic bindings failed to build magic-0.6.2
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Visit the last successful build: magic-0.16.2

rust-magic Build Status

libmagic bindings for Rust.

libmagic(3) is the backend of the file(1) command, which classifies files, e.g.:

$ file assets/rust-logo-128x128-blk.png
assets/rust-logo-128x128-blk.png: PNG image data, 128 x 128, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced

This project provides libmagic Rust bindings (NOT the file command from the example). Documentation is rust-magic on Rust CI.


Create a new cargo project (or edit your existing one):

$ cargo new --bin magic-usage && cd magic-usage/
$ $EDITOR Cargo.toml
$ $EDITOR src/

Add a dependency to your Cargo.toml (see cargo doc):

magic = "0.6.0"

Then use the magic crate like this (in your src/

extern crate magic;
use magic::{Cookie, flags};

fn main() {
    let cookie = Cookie::open(flags::NONE).ok().unwrap();
    println!("It's a kind of magic: {}", cookie.file(&Path::new("assets/rust-logo-128x128-blk.png")).ok().unwrap());

And for this example, build and run it:

$ cargo run
     Running `target/magic-usage`
It's a kind of magic: PNG image data, 128 x 128, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced


This project is licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE).

The magic-sys crate being used is licensed under the MIT license as well (see LICENSE).

The file/libmagic project is licensed under a modified BSD license (see COPYING). This crate contains snippets from its magic databases (rust-magic/data/tests/db-images-png is from file/magic/Magdir/images, rust-magic/data/tests/db-python is from file/magic/Magdir/python).