Crate macro_railroad

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A library to generate syntax diagrams for Rust macros.

let src = r#"macro_rules! vec {
                 ( $ elem : expr ; $ n : expr ) => { ... };
                 ( $ ( $ x : expr ) , * ) => { ... };
                 ( $ ( $ x : expr , ) * ) => { ... };
let dia = macro_railroad::to_diagram(&src).expect("Failed to parse");

Diagrams are generated directly from code:

  1. Parsing the macro_rules!()-block.
  2. Converting the parser-tree into an intermediate representation and applying transformations as desired.
  3. Converting the intermediate representation into a railroad::Diagram. Adding CSS to control the graphical representation.
  4. Outputting the final SVG.
let src = r#"macro_rules! vec {
                 ( $ elem : expr ; $ n : expr ) => { ... };
                 ( $ ( $ x : expr ) , * ) => { ... };
                 ( $ ( $ x : expr , ) * ) => { ... };

let parsed = macro_railroad::parser::parse(&src).expect("Failed to parse");

let mut ir: macro_railroad::lowering::MacroRules = parsed.into();
// Remove `__impl`--rules, which we consider macro-internal here.
// Fold common parts in the macro-syntax, making the diagram easier to understand.
// Remove superfluous elements left from parsing and transforming.

// Create a diagram, add a legend
let mut dia = macro_railroad::diagram::into_diagram(ir, true);



  • Transform a lowering::MacroRules-tree into a railroad::Diagram
  • Intermediate representation of a MacroRules and it’s transformations.
  • Parses a raw macro_rules!-string.


  • Create a syntax diagram as an SVG from the given macro_rules!-source.