lzf 0.1.1

A small wrapper around LibLZF, a very small data compression library
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LZF - a very small data compression library

LibLZF is a super small and fast compression library, originally written by Marc Lehmann. It's written in C and consists of only 4 files.

Instead of rewriting the whole thing in Rust, I used Rust's Foreign Function Interface and wrote a wrapper. The whole Rust code is under 50 lines (yes, there is more test code than actual implementation code). And it is super easy to use, though I'm not happy with the current interface.


cargo build --release


use lzf;

fn main() {
  let data = "foobar";

  let compressed = lzf::compress(data.as_bytes()).unwrap();

  let decompressed = lzf::decompress(compressed.as_slice(), data.len()).unwrap();


Run tests with:

cargo test

Run benchmarks with:

cargo bench


If you find bugs or want to help otherwise, please open an issue.
This is my first released library in Rust and I'm still learning. So if there are better ways to do things in Rust, I'm happy to hear about it.


liblzf is BSD as well. See lzf.h.