[][src]Crate lyon_tess2

Alternative fill tessellation implementation using libtess2.

Lyon libtess2 wrapper

This crate provides an alternative path fill tessellator implemented as a wrapper of the libtess2 C library.

The goal of this crate is to provide an alternative tessellator for the potential cases where lyon_tessellation::FillTessellator is lacking in features or robustness, and have something to compare the latter against.

Comparison with lyon_tessellation::FillTessellator


  • Supports the NonZero fill rule.
  • More robust against precision errors when paths have many self intersections very close to each other.


  • About twice slower than lyon_tessellation's fill tessellator.
  • Does not support computing vertex normals.
  • Wrapper around a C library (as opposed to pure rust with no unsafe code).


In order to avoid any overhead, this crate introduces the FlattenedPath type which stores already-flattened paths in the memory layout expected by libtess2. Instead of working with a GeometryBuilder like the tessellators in lyon_tessellation, this tessellator uses a GeometryReceiver trait that corresponds to the way libtess2 exposes its output.


extern crate lyon_tess2 as tess2;
use tess2::{FillTessellator, FillOptions};
use tess2::math::{Point, point};
use tess2::path::Path;
use tess2::path::builder::*;
use tess2::path::iterator::*;
use tess2::flattened_path::FlattenedPath;
use tess2::tessellation::geometry_builder::*;

fn main() {
    // Create a simple path.
    let mut path_builder = Path::builder();
    path_builder.move_to(point(0.0, 0.0));
    path_builder.line_to(point(1.0, 2.0));
    path_builder.line_to(point(2.0, 0.0));
    path_builder.line_to(point(1.0, 1.0));
    let path = path_builder.build();

    // Create the destination vertex and index buffers.
    let mut buffers: VertexBuffers<Point, u16> = VertexBuffers::new();

        // Create the tessellator.
        let mut tessellator = FillTessellator::new();

        // Compute the tessellation.
        let result = tessellator.tessellate(
            &mut simple_builder(&mut buffers)
    println!("The generated vertices are: {:?}.", &buffers.vertices[..]);
    println!("The generated indices are: {:?}.", &buffers.indices[..]);



pub extern crate lyon_tessellation as tessellation;
pub extern crate tess2_sys;
pub use tessellation::geom;
pub use tessellation::path;



Basic types that are used everywhere. Most other lyon crates reexport them.



Parameters for the fill tessellator.


A fill tessellator implemented on top of libtess2.