[][src]Crate lv2

A safe, fast, and ergonomic Rust framework to create LV2 plugins for audio processing or synthesis.

This library is a work in progress.

It provides the following features, through the LV2 Core specification:

  • Lightweight, realtime non-blocking and allocation-free audio processing.
  • Generates all the boilerplate to make a LV2 plugin binary, usable by any LV2 host.
  • Any number of ports / Any channel mapping, which can be different for input and output. This obviously includes Mono, Stereo, Surround, etc., anything your CPU can handle.
  • Can be extended to support any additional features, extensions and port types. They can be official, unofficial or completely custom.

Through the LV2 official additional specifications, this library also provide many additional features, including:

  • MIDI processing
  • Serialization of custom data structures, and plugin-plugin or plugin-GUI communication and property manipulation
  • State management
  • Asynchronous work processing
  • Custom Graphical User Interfaces, both in a toolkit-agnostic and in a platform-agnostic way (Not yet implemented)
  • Presets handling (Not yet implemented)
  • ... and more! (Not yet implemented either)

Note that this library will only provide Rust bindings for the official LV2 specifications, however it is compatible with any other arbitrary or custom specification, and other, external crates are able and welcome to provide Rust bindings to any other specification that will integrate with this library.


A simple amplification plugin would like this:

// Import everything we need.
use lv2::prelude::*;

// The input and output ports are defined by a struct which implements the `PortCollection` trait.
// In this case, there is an input control port for the gain of the amplification, an input audio
// port and an output audio port.
struct Ports {
    gain: InputPort<Control>,
    input: InputPort<Audio>,
    output: OutputPort<Audio>,

// The plugin struct. In this case, we don't need any data and therefore, this struct is empty.
// LV2 uses URIs to identify types. This association is expressed via the `UriBound` trait,
// which tells the framework that the type `Amp` is identified by the given URI. The usual
// way to implement this trait is to use the `uri` attribute.
struct Amp;

// The implementation of the `Plugin` trait, which turns `Amp` into a plugin.
impl Plugin for Amp {
    // Tell the framework which ports this plugin has.
    type Ports = Ports;

    // We don't need any special host features; We can leave them out.
    type InitFeatures = ();
    type AudioFeatures = ();

    // Create a new instance of the plugin; Trivial in this case.
    fn new(_plugin_info: &PluginInfo, _features: &mut ()) -> Option<Self> {

    // Process a chunk of audio. The audio ports are dereferenced to slices, which the plugin
    // iterates over.
    fn run(&mut self, ports: &mut Ports, _features: &mut ()) {
        let coef = if *(ports.gain) > -90.0 {
            10.0_f32.powf(*(ports.gain) * 0.05)
        } else {

        for (in_frame, out_frame) in Iterator::zip(ports.input.iter(), ports.output.iter_mut()) {
            *out_frame = in_frame * coef;

Using this framework


There are multiple valuable sources of documentation:


Internally, this framework is built of several sub-crates which are re-exported by the lv2 crate. All dependencies are optional and can be enabled via features. These are:

  • lv2-atom: General data IO.
  • lv2-core: Implementation of the core LV2 specification.
  • lv2-midi: MIDI message extension for lv2-midi. Support for the wmidi crate can be enabled with the wmidi feature.
  • lv2-state: Extension for LV2 plugins to store their state.
  • lv2-time: Specification to describe position in time and passage of time, in both real and musical terms.
  • lv2-units: Measuring unit definitions.
  • lv2-urid: LV2 integration of the URID concept.
  • lv2-worker: Work scheduling library that allows real-time capable LV2 plugins to execute non-real-time actions.
  • urid: Idiomatic URID support.

Sub-crates with an lv2- prefix implement a certain LV2 specification, which can be looked up in the reference. Enabling a crate only adds new content, it does not remove or break others.

There are also feature sets that account for common scenarios:

  • minimal_plugin: The bare minimum to create plugins. Includes lv2-core and urid.
  • plugin: Usual crates for standard plugins. Includes lv2-core, lv2-atom, lv2-midi with the wmidi feature, lv2-units, lv2-urid, and urid. This is the default.
  • full: All sub-crates.


Please note that this re-export crate is only meant to be used by plugin projects. If you want to extend the framework with your own crates, please use the sub-crates as your dependencies instead. This will dramatically boost building durations and backwards compability.


pub extern crate lv2_atom;
pub extern crate lv2_core;
pub extern crate lv2_midi;
pub extern crate urid;
pub extern crate lv2_units;
pub extern crate lv2_urid;



The super-prelude that contains the preludes of all enabled crates.