initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Format","Format of a pixel."],["Type","Pixel type."]],"fn":[["is_color_pixel","Does a `PixelFormat` represent a color?"],["is_depth_pixel","Does a `PixelFormat` represent depth information?"]],"struct":[["Depth32F","A depth 32-bit floating pixel format."],["PixelFormat","A `PixelFormat` gathers a `Type` along with a `Format`."],["RGB32F","A red, green and blue 32-bit floating pixel format."],["RGB8UI","A red, green and blue 8-bit unsigned pixel format."],["RGBA32F","A red, green, blue and alpha 32-bit floating pixel format."],["RGBA8UI","A red, green, blue and alpha 8-bit unsigned pixel format."]],"trait":[["ColorPixel","Constraint on `Pixel` for color ones."],["DepthPixel","Constraint on `Pixel` for depth ones."],["Pixel","Reify a static pixel format to runtime."],["RenderablePixel","Constaint on `Pixel` for renderable ones."]]});