lrau 0.2.0

LrAU is an authentication and permission management system for rust.


LrAU is a system to create easy authentication based systems within rust. Each users permissions are configured in toml, as shown below:

Toml permissions


path = "/contacts"
auth = false

path = "/contacts/name"
auth = true

path = "/contacts/name/middle"
auth = false

path = "/contacts/name/last"
auth = true

path = "/admin"
auth = false

path = "/admin/passwords"
auth = true
mut = true


As you can see one specifies paths and then wether a user has authentication. By default a user does not have authentication, and so instead it must be explicitly specified wether they are. Then in sub paths one can change this authentication, as shown in the example of only giving a user access to a contacts name (see line 1-6). There is also mutability, where you can specify if a user has mutable access to something, or wether not they are read only. This, like everything else, is assumed off by default. It is only available if you already give the user authentication.

Simple Instructions

First specify an individual element in a permissions array. In this you need to specify a path path , and wether the user has permission auth. Then you can specify mutability mut.

# Create an array element 
# Specify the path
path = "/contacts"
# Specify the authentication
auth = true
# Specify if they can mutate the contacts
mut = true

This creates a permission in the /contacts path, where the user can both read and mutate it.

In Rust


First time

The main struct you need to worry about is the User struct, which represents a logged in user. On initial instantiation you must provide:

  • An id/username.
  • A password (in plain text when you give it, transferred into a hash using the Argon2 algorithm.)
  • A Permissions struct, see the permission management section above/

From there the algorithm will generate a salt and hash it using Argon2id.

From then on

Now, after this data is saved to a file, this data can be retrieved and used in the 'raw' version of this struct. In this version you just pass the hash directly, using the same layout as above. new_basic

Logging in

With a user you can call the .log_in(&str: password) message to attempt authentication. The password given is not hashed and is then hashed by the internals.

Matching authentication

In rust you can call the function User.get_valid_permissions() given the parameters path and mut. The parameter path is the path to the permission. Note that if not specified it will use the permission of any parents (or however far up the tree it has to go.) mut is wether you need mutable permissions or not.

/// This function lets a user over the network modify a contacts name,
/// ensuring that they have permission
pub fn modify_contact (
	&self, user_auth: &lrau::User,
	contact: &mut Contact,
	name: String
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
	// Checks the user has permissions
	// This ensures they have mut permissions
	match user_auth.get_valid_permissions("/contacts/name", true) {
		// If they have permissions change the name
		true => = name,
		// If not return an error
		false => return Err("no_auth"),
	// Return


  • Serde serde.
  • Diesel diesels-support.