lpc546xx-pac 0.1.0

Device support crates for LPC546xx devices
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Low-level register mappings for the NXP LPC546xx family of ARM Cortex-M4 microcontrollers, written in Rust. The code is generated automatically from the SVD file in this directory, using svd2rust.

The purpose of this crate is to give embedded programs or libraries written Rust access to the complete functionality of LPC546xx MCUs.


Add this to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml to include LPC546xx PAC in your Cargo project:

lpc546xx-pac = {version = "0.1.0", features = ["lpc54608"]}

This crate includes an optional rt feature that can be activated by adding this instead:

lpc546xx-pac = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["lpc54608","rt"] }

The rt feature includes the cortex-m-rt crate and provides overridable interrupt handlers. Please refer to the svd2rust documentation for further details.


For specific information on the API, check out the API reference.

All code in this crate is automatically generated by svd2rust, so check out the svd2rust documentation for more general information about how the API works.

In addition, the LPC546xx user manual (avaible through the NXP website) contains extensive documentation on how to work with the microcontroller.