Module loom::sync[][src]

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Mock implementation of std::sync.


Mock implementation of std::sync::atomic.

A stub for std::sync::mpsc.


Mock implementation of std::sync::Arc.

std::sync::Barrier is not supported yet in Loom. This stub is provided just to make the code to compile.

Mock implementation of std::sync::Condvar.

Mock implementation of std::sync::Mutex.

Mock implementation of std::sync::MutexGuard.

Implements the park / unpark pattern directly using Loom’s internal primitives.

Mock implementation of std::sync::RwLock

Mock implementation of std::sync::RwLockReadGuard

Mock implementation of std::sync::rwLockWriteGuard

A type indicating whether a timed wait on a condition variable returned due to a time out or not.

Type Definitions

A type alias for the result of a lock method which can be poisoned.

A type alias for the result of a nonblocking locking method.