logram 1.0.0

Push logs updates to Telegram
logram-1.0.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: logram-2.0.0

logram - push logs updates to Telegram crates.io travis-ci.org


  1. Install Rust via Rustup
  2. Install logram: cargo install logram
  3. Create bot via @BotFather
  4. Run logram in echo id mode: logram echo_id --token=...
  5. Send any message to bot and use chat id in config
  6. Write config from example
  7. Run logram logram --config=...
  8. Create systemd service if needed

Config example

  chat_id: 12345678 # chat id
  token: 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11 # bot token

    entries: # paths to watching files or dirs
      - /tmp/log_file
    units: # names of systemd units for watching
      - docker.service
      - nginx.service

Systemd service

  1. Create link: sudo ln -s /home/<user>/.cargo/bin/logram /usr/bin/logram
  2. Copy config to /etc/logram.yaml
  3. Copy logram.service to /etc/systemd/system
  4. Reload services: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  5. Enable service: sudo systemctl enable logram
  6. Run service: sudo systemctl start logram