Crate lmdb_zero [] [src]

Near-zero-cost, mostly-safe idiomatic bindings to LMDB.

This crate provides an interface to LMDB which as much as possible is not abstracted from the model LMDB itself provides, except as necessary to integrate with the borrow checker. This means that you don't get easy iterators, but also that you can do almost anything with LMDB through these bindings as you can through C.


extern crate lmdb_zero as lmdb;
extern crate tempdir;

fn example(path: &str) {
  // Create the environment, that is, the file containing the database(s).
  // This is unsafe because you need to ensure certain things about the
  // host environment that these bindings can't help you with.
  let env = unsafe {
      path, lmdb::open::Flags::empty(), 0o600).unwrap()
  // Open the default database.
  let db = lmdb::Database::open(
    &env, None, &lmdb::DatabaseOptions::defaults())
    // Write some data in a transaction
    let txn = lmdb::WriteTransaction::new(&env).unwrap();
    // An accessor is used to control memory access.
    // NB You can only have one live accessor from a particular transaction
    // at a time. Violating this results in a panic at runtime.
      let mut access = txn.access();
      access.put(&db, "Germany", "Berlin", lmdb::put::Flags::empty()).unwrap();
      access.put(&db, "France", "Paris", lmdb::put::Flags::empty()).unwrap();
      access.put(&db, "Latvia", "Rīga", lmdb::put::Flags::empty()).unwrap();
    // Commit the changes so they are visible to later transactions

    // Now let's read the data back
    let txn = lmdb::ReadTransaction::new(&env).unwrap();
    let access = txn.access();

    // Get the capital of Latvia. Note that the string is *not* copied; the
    // reference actually points into the database memory, and is valid
    // until the transaction is dropped or the accessor is mutated.
    let capital_of_latvia: &str = access.get(&db, "Latvia").unwrap();
    assert_eq!("Rīga", capital_of_latvia);

    // We can also use cursors to move over the contents of the database.
    let mut cursor = txn.cursor(&db).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(("France", "Paris"), cursor.first(&access).unwrap());
    assert_eq!(("Germany", "Berlin"),;
    assert_eq!(("Latvia", "Rīga"),;

Anatomy of this crate

Environment is the top-level structure. It is created with an EnvBuilder. An Environment is a single file (by default in a subdirectory) which stores the actual data of all the databases it contains. It corresponds to an MDB_env in the C API.

A Database is a single table of key/value pairs within an environment. Each environment has a single anonymous database, and may contain a number of named databases. Note that if you want to use named databases, you need to use EnvBuilder::set_maxdbs before creating the Environment to make room for the handles. A database can only have one Database handle per environment at a time.

All accesses to the data within an environment are done through transactions. For this, there are the ReadTransaction and WriteTransaction structs. Both of these deref to a ConstTransaction, which provides most of the read-only functionality and can be used for writing code that can run within either type of transaction. Note that read transactions are far cheaper than write transactions.

ReadTransactions can be reused by using reset() to turn them into ResetTransactions and then refresh() to turn them into fresh ReadTransactions.

One unusual property of this crate are the ConstAccessor and WriteAccessor structs, which are obtained once from a transaction and used to perform actual data manipulation. These are needed to work with the borrow checker: Cursors have a lifetime bound by their transaction and thus borrow it, so we need something else to permit borrowing mutable data. The accessors reflect this borrowing: Reading from the database requires an immutable borrow of the accessor, while writing (which may invalidate pointers) requires a mutable borrow of the accessor, thus causing the borrow checker to ensure that all read accesses are disposed before any write.

Finally, the Cursor struct can be created from a transaction to permit more flexible access to a database. Each Cursor corresponds to a MDB_cursor. Accessing data through a cursor requires borrowing appropriately from the accessor of the transaction owning the cursor.

If you want to define your own types to store in the database, see the lmdb_zero::traits submodule.

Lifetimes and Ownership

Lmdb-zero heavily uses lifetime parameters to allow user code to safely retain handles into LMDB without extra runtime overhead.

While this makes the library very flexible, it also makes it somewhat harder to use when its types need to be referenced explicitly, for example as struct members. The documentation for each type with lifetime parameters therefore includes a short discussion of how the lifetimes are intended to interact and how best to work with them.

It is also possible to opt-out of compile-time lifetime tracking and instead use Arc or Rc around various handles. In this case, all the lifetime parameters simply become 'static. See the next section for details.

Ownership Modes

As of version 0.4.0, most APIs which construct a value which holds on to some "parent" value (e.g., creating a Database within an Environment) accept anything that can be converted into a Supercow. Deep understanding of Supercow itself is not required to use lmdb-zero. The only thing you need to know is that an Into<Supercow<T>> means that you can pass in one of three classes of arguments:

  • &T. This is "borrowed mode". The majority of the documentation in this crate uses borrowed mode. This is zero-overhead and is statically verifiable (i.e., all usage is checked at compile-time), so it is recommended that borrowed mode be used whenever reasonably possible. This mode causes the "child" value to hold a normal reference to the parent, which means that lifetimes must be tracked in the lifetime parameters. But because of this, this mode can be inflexible; for example, you cannot use safe Rust to create a struct holding both an Environment and its Databases using borrowed mode.

  • Arc<T>. This is "shared mode". For NonSyncSupercow, Rc<T> may also be used. The child will hold the Arc or Rc, thus ensuring the parent lives at least as long as the child. Because of this, the related lifetime parameters can simply be written as 'static. It also means that Arc/Rc references to the child and parent can be placed together in the same struct with safe Rust. This comes at a cost: Constructing values in shared mode incurs allocation; additionally, the ability to statically verify the lifetime of the parent values is lost.

  • T. This is "owned mode". The parent is moved into the child value and owned by the child from thereon. This is most useful when you only ever want one child and don't care about retaining ownership of the parent. As with shared mode, it also allows simply using 'static as the relevant lifetime parameters.

Major Differences from the LMDB C API

Databases cannot be created or destroyed within a transaction due to the awkward memory management semantics. For similar reasons, opening a database more than once is not permitted (though note that LMDB doesn't strictly allow this either --- it just silently returns an existing handle).

Access to data within the environment is guarded by transaction-specific "accessors", which must be used in conjunction with the cursor or transaction. This is how these bindings integrate with the borrow checker.

APIs which obtain a reference to the owner of an object are not supported.

Various APIs which radically change behaviour (including memory semantics) in response to flags are separated into different calls which each express their memory semantics clearly.

Non-Zero Cost

There are three general areas where this wrapper adds non-zero-cost abstractions:

  • Opening and closing databases adds locking overhead, since in LMDB it is unsynchronised. This shouldn't have much impact since one rarely opens and closes databases at a very high rate.

  • There is additional overhead in tracking what database handles are currently open so that attempts to reopen one can be prevented.

  • Cursors and transactions track their owners separately. Additionally, when two are used in conjunction, a runtime test is required to ensure that they actually can be used together. This means that the handle values are slightly larger and some function calls have an extra (very predictable) branch if the optimiser does not optimise the branch away entirely.

  • Using ownership modes other than borrowed (i.e., mundane references) incurs extra allocations in addition to the overhead of inherent in that ownership mode.

Using Zero-Copy

This crate is primarily focussed on supporting zero-copy on all operations where this is possible. The examples above demonstrate one aspect of this: the &strs returned when querying for items are pointers into the database itself, valid as long as the accessor is.

The main traits to look at are lmdb_zero::traits::AsLmdbBytes and lmdb_zero::traits::FromLmdbBytes, which are used to cast between byte arrays and the types to be stored in the database. lmdb_zero::traits::FromReservedLmdbBytes is used if you want to use the reserve methods (in which you write the key only to the database and get a pointer to a value to fill in after the fact). If you have a #[repr(C)], Copy struct, you can also use lmdb_zero::traits::LmdbRaw if you just want to shove the raw struct itself into the database. All of these have caveats which can be found on the struct documentation.

Be aware that using zero-copy to save anything more interesting than byte strings means your databases will not be portable to other architectures. This mainly concerns byte-order, but types like usize whose size varies by platform can also cause problems.

Notes on Memory Safety

It is not possible to use lmdb-zero without at least one unsafe block, because doing anything with a memory-mapped file requires making assumptions about the host environment. Lmdb-zero is not in a position to decide these assumptions, and so they are passed up to the caller.

However, if these assumptions are met, it should be impossible to cause memory unsafety (eg, aliasing mutable references; dangling pointers; buffer under/overflows) by use of lmdb-zero's safe API.

Unavailable LMDB APIs

  • mdb_env_copy, mdb_env_copyfd: Only the 2-suffixed versions that take flags are exposed.

  • mdb_env_set_userctx, mdb_env_get_userctx: Not generally useful for Rust; unclear how ownership would be expressed; would likely end up forcing an almost-never-used generic arg on Environment on everyone.

  • mdb_env_set_assert: Does not seem useful enough to expose.

  • mdb_txn_env, mdb_cursor_txn, mdb_cursor_dbi: Would allow violating borrow semantics.

  • mdb_cmp, mdb_dcmp: Doesn't seem useful; this would basically be a reinterpret cast from the input values to whatever the table comparator expects and then invoking the Ord implementation. If the types match, this is strictly inferior to just using Ord directly; if they don't, it at best is obfuscating, and at worst completely broken.

  • mdb_set_relfunc, mdb_set_relctx: Currently a noop in LMDB. Even if it weren't, it is unlikely that there is any remotely safe or convenient way to provide an interface to it.

  • mdb_reader_list: Doesn't seem useful enough to expose.


pub use error::Error;
pub use error::Result;



Flags used when copying an LMDB environment.


Flags used when opening databases.


Flags used when deleting items.


Error values and types returned by LMDB and this wrapper.


Flags used when opening an LMDB environment.


Flags used when calling the various put functions.


Module containing public traits.



A read-only data accessor obtained from a ConstTransaction.


Base functionality for an LMDB transaction.


A cursor into an LMDB database.


An iterator over items returned by successive calls of some function on Cursor until a NOTFOUND error is returned.


A handle on an LMDB database within an environment.


Describes the options used for creating or opening a database.


Handle on an uninitialised LMDB environment to allow configuring pre-open options.


Configuration information about an environment.


An LMDB environment which has been opened to a file.


Empty type used to indicate "don't care" when reading values from LMDB.


A read-only LMDB transaction.


A read-only LMDB transaction that has been reset.


A read-only cursor which has been dissociated from its original transaction, so that it can be rebound later.


Statistics information about an environment.


Wrapper for arbitrary Copy types which lifts their alignment restrictions.


A read-write data accessor obtained from a WriteTransaction.


A read-write LMDB transaction.



A mutable value which is either owned or borrowed from an owning context.



Synonym for Unaligned::of_ref().


Returns the LMDB version as (major, minor, revision).


Returns the LMDB version as a string.

Type Definitions
