initSidebarItems({"enum":[["MaybeOwned","A mutable value which is either owned or borrowed from an owning context."]],"fn":[["unaligned","Synonym for `Unaligned::of_ref()`."],["version","Returns the LMDB version as (major, minor, revision)."],["version_str","Returns the LMDB version as a string."]],"mod":[["copy","Flags used when copying an LMDB environment."],["db","Flags used when opening databases."],["del","Flags used when deleting items."],["error","Error values and types returned by LMDB and this wrapper."],["open","Flags used when opening an LMDB environment."],["put","Flags used when calling the various `put` functions."],["traits","Module containing public traits."]],"struct":[["ConstAccessor","A read-only data accessor obtained from a `ConstTransaction`."],["ConstTransaction","Base functionality for an LMDB transaction."],["Cursor","A cursor into an LMDB database."],["CursorIter","An iterator over items returned by successive calls of some function on `Cursor` until a `NOTFOUND` error is returned."],["Database","A handle on an LMDB database within an environment."],["DatabaseOptions","Describes the options used for creating or opening a database."],["EnvBuilder","Handle on an uninitialised LMDB environment to allow configuring pre-open options."],["EnvInfo","Configuration information about an environment."],["Environment","An LMDB environment which has been opened to a file."],["Ignore","Empty type used to indicate \"don't care\" when reading values from LMDB."],["ReadTransaction","A read-only LMDB transaction."],["StaleCursor","A read-only cursor which has been dissociated from its original transaction, so that it can be rebound later."],["Stat","Statistics information about an environment."],["Unaligned","Wrapper for arbitrary `Copy` types which lifts their alignment restrictions."],["WriteAccessor","A read-write data accessor obtained from a `WriteTransaction`."],["WriteTransaction","A read-write LMDB transaction."]],"type":[["Fd",""],["FileMode",""]]});