llvm-ir 0.1.1

LLVM IR in natural Rust data structures
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llvm-ir: LLVM IR in natural Rust data structures

Crates.io License

llvm-ir is a crate which provides a more Rust-y representation of LLVM IR than crates like llvm-sys or inkwell which rely on continuous FFI to the LLVM API. It's based on the idea that an LLVM Instruction shouldn't be an opaque datatype (which is under-the-hood just an FFI pointer), but rather an enum with variants like Add, Call, and Store. Likewise, types like BasicBlock, Function, and Module should be Rust structs with as much information as possible contained in them.

llvm-ir is intended for consumption of LLVM IR, and not necessarily production of LLVM IR (yet). That is, it is aimed at program analysis and related applications which want to read and compute on LLVM IR; it's currently not set up to output its Modules back into LLVM files, or to send them off to the LLVM library for compiling. If producing LLVM IR with llvm-ir interests you, contributions are welcome! But if what you want is to have a nice read-oriented representation of LLVM IR for working in pure Rust, that's exactly what llvm-ir can (attempt to) provide today.

Currently, llvm-ir does rely on FFI to the LLVM API via llvm-sys, but only for its initial parsing step. Once a given LLVM file has been parsed in to create a Module data structure, llvm-ir drops the LLVM FFI objects and makes no further FFI calls. This allows you to work with the resulting LLVM IR in pure Rust.

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is to parse some existing LLVM IR into this crate's data structures. To do this, you need LLVM bitcode (*.bc) files; if you currently have C/C++ sources (say, source.c), you can generate *.bc files by running

clang -S -emit-llvm source.c -o source.ll
llvm-as source.ll -o source.bc

Then, in Rust, you can use llvm-ir's Module::from_bc_path function:

use llvm_ir::Module;
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("path/to/my/file.bc");
module = Module::from_bc_path(&path)?;


Documentation for llvm-ir can be found here, or of course you can generate local documentation with cargo doc --open. The documentation includes links to relevant parts of the LLVM documentation when appropriate.


Currently, llvm-ir only supports LLVM 8. Unfortunately, I'm only one person. Again, contributions are welcome.

llvm-ir works on stable Rust, and requires Rust 1.36+.


A few features of LLVM IR are not yet represented in llvm-ir's data structures, most notably debug information (metadata), which llvm-ir currently makes no attempt to recover. LLVM files containing metadata can still be parsed in with no problems, but the resulting Module structures will not contain any of the metadata. Work-in-progress on fixing this can be found on the metadata branch of this repo, but be warned that the metadata branch doesn't even build at the time of this writing, let alone provide any meaningful functionality for crate users.

A few other features are missing from llvm-ir's data structures because getters for them are apparently (to my knowledge) missing from the LLVM C API and the Rust llvm-sys crate, only being present in the LLVM C++ API. These include but are not limited to:

  • the nsw and nuw flags on Add, Sub, Mul, and Shl, and likewise the exact flag on UDiv, SDiv, LShr, and AShr. The C API has functionality to set these flags and/or create new instructions specifying values of these flags, but not (apparently, to my knowledge) to query the values of these flags on existing instructions.
  • the "fast-math flags" on various floating-point operations
  • the specific opcode for the AtomicRMW instruction, i.e., Xchg, Add, Max, Min, and the like. Again, the C API allows creating AtomicRMW instructions with any of these opcodes, but it's unclear how to get the opcode for an existing AtomicRMW instruction.
  • contents of inline assembly functions
  • information about the clauses in the variadic LandingPad instruction
  • information about the operands of a BlockAddress constant expression
  • the "prefix data" associated with a function

Work is in progress on rectifying at least some of these limitations.


llvm-ir is heavily inspired by the llvm-hs-pure Haskell package. Most of the data structures in llvm-ir are essentially translations from Haskell to Rust of the data structures in llvm-hs-pure (with some tweaks). To a lesser extent, llvm-ir borrows from the larger llvm-hs Haskell package as well.