llvm-ir-analysis 0.2.0

Static analysis on LLVM IR
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llvm-ir-analysis: Static analysis of LLVM IR

This crate provides several simple static analyses of LLVM IR. In particular, this crate computes the following on an llvm-ir Module or Function:

The above analyses are provided by the FunctionAnalysis, ModuleAnalysis, and CrossModuleAnalysis objects, which lazily compute each of these structures on demand and cache the results.

Getting started

llvm-ir-analysis is on crates.io, so you can simply add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml, selecting the feature corresponding to the LLVM version you want:

llvm-ir-analysis = { version = "0.2.0", features = ["llvm-11"] }

Currently, the supported LLVM versions are llvm-8, llvm-9, llvm-10, and llvm-11. The corresponding LLVM library must be available on your system; see the llvm-sys README for more details and instructions.

You'll also need some LLVM IR to analyze, in the form of an llvm-ir Module or [Function]. This can be easily generated from an LLVM bitcode file; for more detailed instructions, see llvm-ir's README.

Once you have a Module, you can construct a ModuleAnalysis object:

let module = Module::from_bc_path(...)?;
let analysis = ModuleAnalysis::new(&module);

You can get Module-wide analyses such as analysis.call_graph() directly from the ModuleAnalysis object. You can also get Function-level analyses such as the control-flow graph using analysis.fn_analysis("my_func"); or you can construct a FunctionAnalysis directly with FunctionAnalysis::new().

Finally, you can get multi-module analyses such as a cross-module call graph by starting with a CrossModuleAnalysis instead of just a ModuleAnalysis. The CrossModuleAnalysis also provides a ModuleAnalysis for each of the included modules, again computed lazily on demand.