llhd 0.16.0

A Low Level Hardware Description that acts as a foundation for building hardware design tools.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Fabian Schuiki
# This file specifies the LLHD instruction set.

# Arithmetic

opcode = ["neg"]
format = "unary"
arg_types = ["T"]
result = "T"
allow_types.T = ["iN"]

opcode = ["add", "sub", "mul", "div", "umod", "smod", "srem"]
format = "binary"
arg_types = ["T", "T"]
result = "T"
allow_types.T = ["iN"]

# Comparison

opcode = ["eq", "neq", "ult", "ugt", "ule", "uge", "slt", "sgt", "sle", "sge"]
format = "binary"
arg_types = ["T", "T"]
result = "i1"

opcode = ["eq", "neq"]
doc = """
Equality Operators

Compare two values for equality or inequality.

opcode = ["ult", "ugt", "ule", "uge", "slt", "sgt", "sle", "sge"]
doc = """
Relational Operators

Compare two values according to their numerical ordering.

opcode = ["ult", "ugt", "ule", "uge"]
allow_types.T = "time"

opcode = ["smod", "srem"]
doc = """
The semantics of `smod` and `srem` for negative numbers are as follows. For positive numbers they are identical to `umod`.

# Drives

opcode = ["drv-uncond", "drv-cond"]
syntax = """
drv T$ %signal, %value after %delay
drv T$ %signal, %value after %delay if %cond
doc = """
The `drv` instruction schedules signal `%signal` to change to a new value `%value` after the delay `%delay` has passed.
In presence of the optional gating condition, the instruction acts as a no-op if `%cond` is 0.

opcode = ["drv-uncond"]
format = "ternary"
args = ["signal", "value", "delay"]
arg_types = ["T$", "T", "time"]

opcode = ["drv-cond"]
format = "quaternary"
args = ["signal", "value", "delay", "cond"]
arg_types = ["T$", "T", "time", "i1"]

# Register

opcode = ["reg"]
group = "hier"
format = "reg"
syntax = """
reg T$ %signal, [%value, <mode> %trigger (after %delay)? (if $gate)?], ...
arg_types = ["T$", "T", "i1", "time", "i1"]