linux-raw-sys 0.0.40

Generated bindings for Linux's userspace API failed to build linux-raw-sys-0.0.40
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: linux-raw-sys-0.6.4

This crate contains bindgen-generated bindings for Linux's userspace API.

This is primarily of interest if you want to make raw system calls directly, which is tedious and error prone and not necessary for most use cases. For a minimal type-safe, memory-safe, and I/O-safe API to the Linux system calls built on these bindings, see the rustix crate.

The full bindings are quite large, so they've been split up into modules and cargo features. By default, general and errno are enabled, which provide most things needed by general-purpose code.

To regenerate the generated bindings, run cargo update && cd gen && cargo run --release.

Similar crates

This is similar to linux-sys, except the bindings are generated offline, rather than in a, making downstream builds simpler. And, this crate has bindings for more headers, as well as supplementary definitions not exported by Linux's headers but nonetheless needed by userspace.