lingua 1.4.0

An accurate natural language detection library, suitable for long and short text alike
## Accuracy Plots

### <a name="table-of-contents"></a> Table of Contents

Each section contains two plots. 
The bar plot shows the detailed accuracy results for each supported language. 
The box plot illustrates the distributions of the accuracy values for each classifier. 
The boxes themselves represent the areas which the middle 50 % of data lie within. 
Within the colored boxes, the horizontal lines mark the median of the distributions.   

1. [Single Word Detection]#single-word-detection
2. [Word Pair Detection]#word-pair-detection
3. [Sentence Detection]#sentence-detection
4. [Average Detection]#average-detection


### 1. <a name="single-word-detection"></a> Single Word Detection <sup>[Top ▲]#table-of-contents</sup>





### 2. <a name="word-pair-detection"></a> Word Pair Detection <sup>[Top ▲]#table-of-contents</sup>






### 3. <a name="sentence-detection"></a> Sentence Detection <sup>[Top ▲]#table-of-contents</sup>






### 4. <a name="average-detection"></a> Average Detection <sup>[Top ▲]#table-of-contents</sup>



