var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["lines"] = {"doc":"Utilities for iterating readers efficiently line-by-line over\nASCII or UTF-8 encoded text content. Lines are identified by a\nLINE-FEED, i.e. a byte with the value ```\\x0A```. Content at the\nend of a stream will be considered as a line - no matter whether\nit was termined by a line-feed or not.","items":[[0,"linemapper","lines","Implements line-by-line iteration over a given reader by mapping a\nuser defined function over each line.",null,null],[5,"count_lines","lines::linemapper","Counts the number of lines in the given reader by utilizing\n`map_lines`.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"r"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[5,"map_lines","","Maps the given function `f` over lines read from `r` until either\nthe function returns `false`, the end of stream is encountered, or\nthe underlying reader returns an error.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"r"},{"name":"f"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[0,"linereader","lines","Iterates over lines of a given reader by keeping an internal\nbuffer which client code is handed a reference to for consumption\nof the line.",null,null],[3,"LineReader","lines::linereader","Wraps a `Read` and provides a way to iterate over lines split on a\nnewline character.",null,null],[5,"count_lines","","Counts the lines read through the given `LineReader`.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"linereader"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"with_capacity","","Constructs a new `LineReader` with an internal buffering of\nthe specified capacity.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"},{"name":"r"}],"output":{"name":"linereader"}}],[11,"new","","Constructs a new `LineReader` with an internal buffering of\nthe default capacity.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"r"}],"output":{"name":"linereader"}}],[11,"read_line","","Reads the next line. Returns the empty slice if EOF is\nreached. The newline character - if any - is not stripped by\nthis method.",0,null],[14,"read_lines!","lines","Provides a convenient way to iterate over all lines through a\n`LineReader`. For an example, refer to the documentation of\n`LineReader`. The identifier representing the read line will be\nof type `Result<&[u8]>`.",null,null],[14,"try_read_lines!","","Provides a convenient way to iterate over all lines through a\n`LineReader` wrapping the invocation to `LineReader::read_line`\nwith a `try!`. Hence, the identifer representing the read line\nwill be directly of type `&[u8]`.",null,null]],"paths":[[3,"LineReader"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);