lindera-unidic-builder 0.30.0

A Japanese morphological dictionary builder for UniDic.

Lindera UniDic Builder

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UniDic builder for Lindera.

Dictionary version

This project supports UniDic 2.1.2. See detail of UniDic .

Dictionary format

Refer to the manual for details on the unidic-mecab dictionary format and part-of-speech tags.

Index Name (Japanese) Name (English) Notes
0 表層形 Surface
1 左文脈ID Left context ID
2 右文脈ID Right context ID
3 コスト Cost
4 品詞大分類 Major POS classification
5 品詞中分類 Middle POS classification
6 品詞小分類 Small POS classification
7 品詞細分類 Fine POS classification
8 活用型 Conjugation form
9 活用形 Conjugation type
10 語彙素読み Lexeme reading
11 語彙素(語彙素表記 + 語彙素細分類) Lexeme
12 書字形出現形 Orthography appearance type
13 発音形出現形 Pronunciation appearance type
14 書字形基本形 Orthography basic type
15 発音形基本形 Pronunciation basic type
16 語種 Word type
17 語頭変化型 Prefix of a word form
18 語頭変化形 Prefix of a word type
19 語末変化型 Suffix of a word form
20 語末変化形 Suffix of a word type

User dictionary format (CSV)

Simple version

Index Name (Japanese) Name (English) Notes
0 表層形 Surface
1 品詞大分類 Major POS classification
2 語彙素読み Lexeme reading

Detailed version

Index Name (Japanese) Name (English) Notes
0 表層形 Surface
1 左文脈ID Left context ID
2 右文脈ID Right context ID
3 コスト Cost
4 品詞大分類 Major POS classification
5 品詞中分類 Middle POS classification
6 品詞小分類 Small POS classification
7 品詞細分類 Fine POS classification
8 活用型 Conjugation form
9 活用形 Conjugation type
10 語彙素読み Lexeme reading
11 語彙素(語彙素表記 + 語彙素細分類) Lexeme
12 書字形出現形 Orthography appearance type
13 発音形出現形 Pronunciation appearance type
14 書字形基本形 Orthography basic type
15 発音形基本形 Pronunciation basic type
16 語種 Word type
17 語頭変化型 Prefix of a word form
18 語頭変化形 Prefix of a word type
19 語末変化型 Suffix of a word form
20 語末変化形 Suffix of a word type
21 - - After 21, it can be freely expanded.

How to use IPADIC dictionary

For more details about lindera command, please refer to the following URL:

API reference

The API reference is available. Please see following URL:

  • Lindera UniDic Builder