Module lightning::util::events[][src]

Events are returned from various bits in the library which indicate some action must be taken by the client. Because we don't have a built-in runtime, its up to the client to call events at a time in the future, as well as generate and broadcast funding transactions handle payment preimages and a few other things.

Note that many events are handled for you by PeerHandler, so in the common design of having a PeerManager which marshalls messages to ChannelManager and Router you only need to call process_events on the PeerHandler and then get_and_clear_pending_events and handle the events that bubble up to the surface. If, however, you do not have a PeerHandler managing a ChannelManager you need to handle all of the events which may be generated.



An Event which you should probably take some action in response to.



A trait indicating an object may generate events