Expand description

This crate provides data structures to represent lightning BOLT11 invoices and functions to create, encode and decode these. If you just want to use the standard en-/decoding functionality this should get you started:

  • For parsing use str::parse::<Invoice>(&self) (see the docs of impl FromStr for Invoice)
  • For constructing invoices use the InvoiceBuilder
  • For serializing invoices use the Display/ToString traits


  • Tag constants as specified in BOLT11
  • Convenient utilities for paying Lightning invoices and sending spontaneous payments.
  • Convenient utilities to create an invoice.


  • Description string
  • Positive duration that defines when (relatively to the timestamp) in the future the invoice expires
  • Represents a syntactically and semantically correct lightning BOLT11 invoice.
  • Builder for Invoices. It’s the most convenient and advised way to use this library. It ensures that only a semantically and syntactically correct Invoice can be built using it.
  • Recoverable signature
  • min_final_cltv_expiry_delta to use for the last HTLC in the route
  • Payee public key
  • A timestamp that refers to a date after 1 January 1970.
  • Private routing information
  • Data of the RawInvoice that is encoded in the data part
  • Data of the RawInvoice that is encoded in the human readable part
  • Represents an syntactically correct Invoice for a payment on the lightning network, but without the signature information. De- and encoding should not lead to information loss but may lead to different hashes.
  • SHA-256 hash
  • Represents a signed RawInvoice with cached hash. The signature is not checked and may be invalid.


  • Errors that may occur when constructing a new RawInvoice or Invoice
  • Enum representing the crypto currencies (or networks) supported by this library
  • Fallback address in case no LN payment is possible
  • Represents the description of an invoice which has to be either a directly included string or a hash of a description provided out of band.
  • Errors that indicate what is wrong with the invoice. They have some granularity for debug reasons, but should generally result in an “invalid BOLT11 invoice” message for the user.
  • Indicates that something went wrong while parsing or validating the invoice. Parsing errors should be mostly seen as opaque and are only there for debugging reasons. Semantic errors like wrong signatures, missing fields etc. could mean that someone tampered with the invoice.
  • Tagged field which may have an unknown tag
  • Errors that may occur when converting a RawInvoice to an Invoice. They relate to the requirements sections in BOLT #11
  • SI prefixes for the human readable part
  • When signing using a fallible method either an user-supplied SignError or a CreationError may occur.
  • Tagged field with known tag
