var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["lifeguard"] = {"doc":"","items":[[3,"RcRecycled","lifeguard","A smartpointer which uses reference counting (`Rc`) to know\nwhen to move its wrapped value back to the `Pool` that\nissued it.",null,null],[3,"Recycled","","A smartpointer which uses a shared reference (`&`) to know\nwhen to move its wrapped value back to the `Pool` that\nissued it.",null,null],[3,"Pool","","A collection of values that can be reused without requiring new allocations.",null,null],[3,"PoolBuilder","","",null,null],[12,"starting_size","","",0,null],[12,"max_size","","",0,null],[12,"supplier","","",0,null],[3,"StartingSize","","Specifies a trait object which will be used to generate values when\nthe `Pool` is empty.",null,null],[12,"0","","",1,null],[3,"MaxSize","","Specifies the number of values which should be requested from the\nSupplier at initialization time.",null,null],[12,"0","","",2,null],[3,"Supplier","","Specifies the maximum number of values the pool can hold before it\nwill begin to drop values being returned to it.",null,null],[5,"pool","","",null,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"poolbuilder"}}],[8,"Recycleable","","In order to be managed by a `Pool`, values must be of a type that\nimplements the `Recycleable` trait. This allows the `Pool` to create\nnew instances as well as reset existing instances to a like-new state.",null,null],[10,"new","","Allocates a new instance of the implementing type.",3,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[10,"reset","","Sets the state of the modified instance to be that of a freshly\nallocated instance, thereby allowing it to be reused.",3,null],[8,"InitializeWith","","Informs how an already allocated value should be initialized\nwhen provided with a model value or other meaningful input.",null,null],[10,"initialize_with","","",4,null],[8,"Supply","","",null,null],[10,"get","","",5,null],[8,"OptionSetter","","Implementing this trait allows structs to act as configuration\nparameters in the builder API.",null,null],[10,"set_option","","",6,null],[11,"as_ref","","Gets a shared reference to the value wrapped by the smartpointer.",7,null],[11,"as_mut","","Gets a mutable reference to the value wrapped by the smartpointer.",7,null],[11,"fmt","","",7,null],[11,"fmt","","",7,null],[11,"deref","","",7,null],[11,"deref_mut","","",7,null],[11,"detach","","Disassociates the value from the `Pool` that issued it. This\ndestroys the smartpointer and returns the previously wrapped value.",7,null],[11,"as_ref","","Gets a shared reference to the value wrapped by the smartpointer.",8,null],[11,"as_mut","","Gets a mutable reference to the value wrapped by the smartpointer.",8,null],[11,"fmt","","",8,null],[11,"fmt","","",8,null],[11,"deref","","",8,null],[11,"deref_mut","","",8,null],[11,"detach","","Disassociates the value from the `Pool` that issued it. This\ndestroys the smartpointer and returns the previously wrapped value.",8,null],[11,"with_size","","Creates a pool with `size` elements of type `T` allocated.",9,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"pool"}}],[11,"with_size_and_max","","Creates a pool with `size` elements of type `T` allocated\nand sets a maximum pool size of `max_size`. Values being\nadded to the pool via `Pool::attach` or being returned to\nthe pool upon dropping will instead be discarded if the pool\nis full.",9,{"inputs":[{"name":"usize"},{"name":"usize"}],"output":{"name":"pool"}}],[11,"size","","Returns the number of values remaining in the pool.",9,null],[11,"max_size","","Returns the maximum number of values the pool can hold.",9,null],[11,"new","","Removes a value from the pool and returns it wrapped in\na `Recycled smartpointer. If the pool is empty when the\nmethod is called, a new value will be allocated.",9,null],[11,"new_from","","Removes a value from the pool, initializes it using the provided\nsource value, and returns it wrapped in a `Recycled` smartpointer.\nIf the pool is empty when the method is called, a new value will be\nallocated.",9,null],[11,"attach","","Associates the provided value with the pool by wrapping it in a\n`Recycled` smartpointer.",9,null],[11,"detached","","Removes a value from the pool and returns it without wrapping it in\na smartpointer. When the value goes out of scope it will not be\nreturned to the pool.",9,null],[11,"new_rc","","Removes a value from the pool and returns it wrapped in\nan `RcRecycled` smartpointer. If the pool is empty when the\nmethod is called, a new value will be allocated.",9,null],[11,"new_rc_from","","Removes a value from the pool, initializes it using the provided\nsource value, and returns it wrapped in an `RcRecycled` smartpointer.\nIf the pool is empty when the method is called, a new value will be\nallocated.",9,null],[11,"attach_rc","","Associates the provided value with the pool by wrapping it in an\n`RcRecycled` smartpointer.",9,null],[11,"with","","",0,null],[11,"build","","",0,null],[11,"new","","",10,{"inputs":[{"name":"s"}],"output":{"name":"supplier"}}],[11,"set_option","","",1,null],[11,"set_option","","",2,null],[11,"set_option","","",10,null]],"paths":[[3,"PoolBuilder"],[3,"StartingSize"],[3,"MaxSize"],[8,"Recycleable"],[8,"InitializeWith"],[8,"Supply"],[8,"OptionSetter"],[3,"RcRecycled"],[3,"Recycled"],[3,"Pool"],[3,"Supplier"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);