Build #104124 2018-06-06T09:28:24.432572+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.28.0-dev (b9bf4f162 2018-06-02)
# version
cratesfyi 0.5.0 (579f83b 2018-03-05)

# build log
Updating registry ``
Documenting libssh v0.0.1
Running `rustdoc --crate-name libssh .cargo/registry/src/ -o /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/doc -Z unstable-options --resource-suffix -20180602-1.28.0-dev-b9bf4f162 -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps`
error: expected one of `!`, `(`, `+`, `::`, `;`, `<`, or `]`, found `,`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3038 |     __fds_bits: [libc::c_long, ..16],
|                              ^ expected one of 7 possible tokens here

error: expected one of `!`, `(`, `+`, `::`, `;`, `<`, or `]`, found `,`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2474 |     __fds_bits: [libc::c_long, ..16],
|                              ^ expected one of 7 possible tokens here

error: expected type, found `|`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
45 |     pub fn connect(&self, verify_public_key: |remote_public_key: &SSHKey| -> bool)
|                                              ^

error: expected pattern, found `:`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
95 |         let func = |:usr| unsafe {
|                     ^ expected pattern

error: expected type, found `|`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
132 |     pub fn auth_with_public_key<'a>(&self, verify_public_key: |&SSHKey| -> bool)
|                                                               ^

error: expected type, found `||`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
34 | pub fn with_ssh(func: ||) {
|                       ^^

error[E0433]: failed to resolve. Could not find `types` in `libc`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
11 | use self::libc::types::common::c95::c_void;
|                 ^^^^^ Could not find `types` in `libc`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve. Could not find `types` in `libc`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
12 | use self::libc::types::common::c95::c_void;
|                 ^^^^^ Could not find `types` in `libc`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve. Could not find `types` in `libc`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
13 | use self::libc::types::common::c95::c_void;
|                 ^^^^^ Could not find `types` in `libc`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve. Could not find `types` in `libc`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
12 | use self::libc::types::common::c95::c_void;
|                 ^^^^^ Could not find `types` in `libc`

error[E0433]: failed to resolve. Could not find `types` in `libc`
--> .cargo/registry/src/
15 | type AuthCb = extern fn(*const i8, *mut i8, u64, i32, i32, *mut libc::types::common::c95::c_void) -> i32;
|                                                                       ^^^^^ Could not find `types` in `libc`

error[E0658]: The attribute `phase` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3 | #[phase(plugin, link)] extern crate log;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3055 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3091 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3122 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3152 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3185 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3216 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3243 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3273 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3303 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3332 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3359 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3425 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3490 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3517 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
3548 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2491 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2527 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2558 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2588 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2621 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2652 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2679 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2709 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2739 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2768 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2795 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2861 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2926 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `deriving` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2953 | #[deriving(Copy, PartialEq, Show)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

error[E0658]: The attribute `phase` is currently unknown to the compiler and may have meaning added to it in the future (see issue #29642)
--> .cargo/registry/src/
2 | #[phase(plugin, link)] extern crate log;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: add #![feature(custom_attribute)] to the crate attributes to enable

thread 'main' panicked at 'Error(
ChainedError {
error: Could not document `libssh`.,
cause: process didn't exit successfully: `rustdoc --crate-name libssh .cargo/registry/src/ -o /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/doc -Z unstable-options --resource-suffix -20180602-1.28.0-dev-b9bf4f162 -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps` (exit code: 101)
State {
next_error: None,
backtrace: None
)', src/bin/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.