[][src]Module libp2p_core::swarm

High level manager of the network.

The Swarm struct contains the state of the network as a whole. The entire behaviour of a libp2p network can be controlled through the Swarm.

Initializing a Swarm

Creating a Swarm requires three things:

  • An implementation of the Transport trait. This is the type that will be used in order to reach nodes on the network based on their address. See the transport module for more information.
  • An implementation of the NetworkBehaviour trait. This is a state machine that defines how the swarm should behave once it is connected to a node.
  • An implementation of the Topology trait. This is a container that holds the list of nodes that we think are part of the network. See the topology module for more information.

Network behaviour

The NetworkBehaviour trait is implemented on types that indicate to the swarm how it should behave. This includes which protocols are supported and which nodes to try to connect to.


pub use crate::nodes::raw_swarm::ConnectedPoint;



Parameters passed to poll(), that the NetworkBehaviour has access to.


Contains the state of the network, plus the way it should behave.




Action to perform.



A behaviour for the network. Allows customizing the swarm.


Used when deriving NetworkBehaviour. When deriving NetworkBehaviour, must be implemented for all the possible event types generated by the various fields.