Expand description




@brief Cancel all buffer operations @param buf The buffer for which operations should be canceled

@brief Destroy the given buffer @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure

@brief Get the address that follows the last sample in a buffer @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @return A pointer corresponding to the address that follows the last sample present in the buffer

@brief Find the first sample of a channel in a buffer @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return A pointer to the first sample found, or to the end of the buffer if no sample for the given channel is present in the buffer

@brief Call the supplied callback for each sample found in a buffer @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @param callback A pointer to a function to call for each sample found @param data A user-specified pointer that will be passed to the callback @return number of bytes processed.

@brief Retrieve a previously associated pointer of an iio_buffer structure @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @return The pointer previously associated if present, or NULL

@brief Retrieve a pointer to the iio_device structure @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @return A pointer to an iio_device structure

@brief Get a pollable file descriptor

@brief Send the samples to the hardware @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @return On success, the number of bytes written is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Send a given number of samples to the hardware @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @param samples_count The number of samples to submit @return On success, the number of bytes written is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Fetch more samples from the hardware @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @return On success, the number of bytes read is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Make iio_buffer_refill() and iio_buffer_push() blocking or not

@brief Associate a pointer to an iio_buffer structure @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @param data The pointer to be associated

@brief Get the start address of the buffer @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @return A pointer corresponding to the start address of the buffer

@brief Get the step size between two samples of one channel @param buf A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @return the difference between the addresses of two consecutive samples of one same channel

@brief Retrieve the filename of an attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr a NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the attribute name is unknown, NULL is returned

@brief Read the content of the given channel-specific attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param dst A pointer to the memory area where the NULL-terminated string corresponding to the value read will be stored @param len The available length of the memory area, in bytes @return On success, the number of bytes written to the buffer @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of all channel-specific attributes @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param cb A pointer to a callback function @param data A pointer that will be passed to the callback function @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given channel-specific attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A pointer to a bool variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given channel-specific attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A pointer to a double variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given channel-specific attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A pointer to a long long variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given channel-specific attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param src A NULL-terminated string to set the attribute to @return On success, the number of bytes written @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the values of all channel-specific attributes @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param cb A pointer to a callback function @param data A pointer that will be passed to the callback function @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given channel-specific attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A bool value to set the attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given channel-specific attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A double value to set the attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given channel-specific attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A long long value to set the attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given channel-specific attribute @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param src A pointer to the data to be written @param len The number of bytes that should be written @return On success, the number of bytes written @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Convert the sample from hardware format to host format @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param dst A pointer to the destination buffer where the converted sample should be written @param src A pointer to the source buffer containing the sample

@brief Convert the sample from host format to hardware format @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param dst A pointer to the destination buffer where the converted sample should be written @param src A pointer to the source buffer containing the sample

@brief Disable the given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure

@brief Enable the given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure

@brief Try to find a channel-specific attribute by its name @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param name A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the name does not correspond to any known attribute of the given channel, NULL is returned

@brief Get the channel-specific attribute present at the given index @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param index The index corresponding to the attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the index is invalid, NULL is returned

@brief Enumerate the channel-specific attributes of the given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return The number of channel-specific attributes found

@brief Retrieve a previously associated pointer of an iio_channel structure @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return The pointer previously associated if present, or NULL

@brief Get a pointer to a channel’s data format structure @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return A pointer to the channel’s iio_data_format structure

@brief Retrieve a pointer to the iio_device structure @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return A pointer to an iio_device structure

@brief Retrieve the channel ID (e.g. voltage0) @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return A pointer to a static NULL-terminated string

@brief Get the index of the given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return On success, the index of the specified channel @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Get the modifier type of the given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return The modifier type of the channel

@brief Retrieve the channel name (e.g. vccint) @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return A pointer to a static NULL-terminated string

@brief Get the type of the given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return The type of the channel

@brief Returns True if the channel is enabled @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return True if the channel is enabled, False otherwise

@brief Return True if the given channel is an output channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return True if the channel is an output channel, False otherwise

@brief Return True if the given channel is a scan element @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @return True if the channel is a scan element, False otherwise

@brief Demultiplex and convert the samples of a given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param buffer A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @param dst A pointer to the memory area where the converted data will be stored @param len The available length of the memory area, in bytes @return The size of the converted data, in bytes

@brief Demultiplex the samples of a given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param buffer A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @param dst A pointer to the memory area where the demultiplexed data will be stored @param len The available length of the memory area, in bytes @return The size of the demultiplexed data, in bytes

@brief Associate a pointer to an iio_channel structure @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param data The pointer to be associated

@brief Convert and multiplex the samples of a given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param buffer A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @param src A pointer to the memory area where the sequential data will be read from @param len The length of the memory area, in bytes @return The number of bytes actually converted and multiplexed

@brief Multiplex the samples of a given channel @param chn A pointer to an iio_channel structure @param buffer A pointer to an iio_buffer structure @param src A pointer to the memory area where the sequential data will be read from @param len The length of the memory area, in bytes @return The number of bytes actually multiplexed

@brief Duplicate a pre-existing IIO context @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @return On success, A pointer to an iio_context structure @return On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Destroy the given context @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure

@brief Try to find a device structure by its name of ID @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @param name A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name or the ID of the device to search for @return On success, a pointer to an iio_device structure @return If the name or ID does not correspond to any known device, NULL is returned

@brief Retrieve the name and value of a context-specific attribute @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @param index The index corresponding to the attribute @param name A pointer to a const char * pointer (NULL accepted) @param value A pointer to a const char * pointer (NULL accepted) @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Retrieve the value of a context-specific attribute @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @param name The name of the context attribute to read @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the name does not correspond to any attribute, NULL is returned

@brief Get the number of context-specific attributes @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @return The number of context-specific attributes

@brief Get a description of the given context @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @return A pointer to a static NULL-terminated string

@brief Get the device present at the given index @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @param index The index corresponding to the device @return On success, a pointer to an iio_device structure @return If the index is invalid, NULL is returned

@brief Enumerate the devices found in the given context @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @return The number of devices found

@brief Get the name of the given context @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @return A pointer to a static NULL-terminated string

@brief Get the version of the backend in use @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @param major A pointer to an unsigned integer (NULL accepted) @param minor A pointer to an unsigned integer (NULL accepted) @param git_tag A pointer to a 8-characters buffer (NULL accepted) @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Obtain a XML representation of the given context @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @return A pointer to a static NULL-terminated string

@brief Get a description of a discovered context @param info A pointer to an iio_context_info structure @return A pointer to a static NULL-terminated string

@brief Get the URI of a discovered context @param info A pointer to an iio_context_info structure @return A pointer to a static NULL-terminated string

@brief Free a context info list @param info A pointer to a ‘const struct iio_context_info *’ typed variable

@brief Set a timeout for I/O operations @param ctx A pointer to an iio_context structure @param timeout_ms A positive integer representing the time in milliseconds after which a timeout occurs. A value of 0 is used to specify that no timeout should occur. @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Create a context from a URI description @param uri A URI describing the context location @return On success, a pointer to a iio_context structure @return On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Create a context from local or remote IIO devices @return On success, A pointer to an iio_context structure @return On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Create a context from local IIO devices (Linux only) @return On success, A pointer to an iio_context structure @return On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Create a context from the network @param host Hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 address where the IIO Daemon is running @return On success, a pointer to an iio_context structure @return On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Create a scan block @param backend A NULL-terminated string containing the backend to use for scanning. If NULL, all the available backends are used. @param flags Unused for now. Set to 0. @return on success, a pointer to a iio_scan_block structure @return On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Create a scan context @param backend A NULL-terminated string containing the backend(s) to use for scanning (example: pre version 0.20 : “local”, “ip”, or “usb”; post version 0.20 can handle multiple, including “local:usb:”, “ip:usb:”, “local:usb:ip:”). If NULL, all the available backends are used. @param flags Unused for now. Set to 0. @return on success, a pointer to a iio_scan_context structure @return On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Create a context from a XML file @param xml_file Path to the XML file to open @return On success, A pointer to an iio_context structure @return On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Create a context from XML data in memory @param xml Pointer to the XML data in memory @param len Length of the XML string in memory (excluding the final \0) @return On success, A pointer to an iio_context structure @return On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Read the content of the given device-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param dst A pointer to the memory area where the NULL-terminated string corresponding to the value read will be stored @param len The available length of the memory area, in bytes @return On success, the number of bytes written to the buffer @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of all device-specific attributes @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param cb A pointer to a callback function @param data A pointer that will be passed to the callback function @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given device-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A pointer to a bool variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given device-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A pointer to a double variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given device-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A pointer to a long long variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given device-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param src A NULL-terminated string to set the attribute to @return On success, the number of bytes written @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the values of all device-specific attributes @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param cb A pointer to a callback function @param data A pointer that will be passed to the callback function @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given device-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A bool value to set the attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given device-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A double value to set the attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given device-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A long long value to set the attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given device-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param src A pointer to the data to be written @param len The number of bytes that should be written @return On success, the number of bytes written @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given buffer-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param dst A pointer to the memory area where the NULL-terminated string corresponding to the value read will be stored @param len The available length of the memory area, in bytes @return On success, the number of bytes written to the buffer @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of all buffer-specific attributes @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param cb A pointer to a callback function @param data A pointer that will be passed to the callback function @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given buffer-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A pointer to a bool variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given buffer-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A pointer to a double variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given buffer-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A pointer to a long long variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given buffer-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param src A NULL-terminated string to set the attribute to @return On success, the number of bytes written @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the values of all buffer-specific attributes @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param cb A pointer to a callback function @param data A pointer that will be passed to the callback function @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given buffer-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A bool value to set the attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given buffer-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A double value to set the attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given buffer-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param val A long long value to set the attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given buffer-specific attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @param src A pointer to the data to be written @param len The number of bytes that should be written @return On success, the number of bytes written @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Create an input or output buffer associated to the given device @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param samples_count The number of samples that the buffer should contain @param cyclic If True, enable cyclic mode @return On success, a pointer to an iio_buffer structure @return On error, NULL is returned, and errno is set to the error code

@brief Read the content of the given debug attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @param dst A pointer to the memory area where the NULL-terminated string corresponding to the value read will be stored @param len The available length of the memory area, in bytes @return On success, the number of bytes written to the buffer @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of all debug attributes @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param cb A pointer to a callback function @param data A pointer that will be passed to the callback function @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given debug attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @param val A pointer to a bool variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given debug attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @param val A pointer to a double variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Read the content of the given debug attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @param val A pointer to a long long variable where the value should be stored @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given debug attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @param src A NULL-terminated string to set the debug attribute to @return On success, the number of bytes written @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the values of all debug attributes @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param cb A pointer to a callback function @param data A pointer that will be passed to the callback function @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given debug attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @param val A bool value to set the debug attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given debug attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @param val A double value to set the debug attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given debug attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @param val A long long value to set the debug attribute to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of the given debug attribute @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param attr A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @param src A pointer to the data to be written @param len The number of bytes that should be written @return On success, the number of bytes written @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Try to find a device-specific attribute by its name @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param name A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the name does not correspond to any known attribute of the given device, NULL is returned

@brief Try to find a buffer-specific attribute by its name @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param name A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the name does not correspond to any known attribute of the given device, NULL is returned

@brief Try to find a channel structure by its name of ID @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param name A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name or the ID of the channel to search for @param output True if the searched channel is output, False otherwise @return On success, a pointer to an iio_channel structure @return If the name or ID does not correspond to any known channel of the given device, NULL is returned

@brief Try to find a debug attribute by its name @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param name A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the name of the debug attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the name does not correspond to any known debug attribute of the given device, NULL is returned

@brief Get the device-specific attribute present at the given index @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param index The index corresponding to the attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the index is invalid, NULL is returned

@brief Enumerate the device-specific attributes of the given device @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return The number of device-specific attributes found

@brief Get the buffer-specific attribute present at the given index @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param index The index corresponding to the attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the index is invalid, NULL is returned

@brief Enumerate the buffer-specific attributes of the given device @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return The number of buffer-specific attributes found

@brief Get the channel present at the given index @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param index The index corresponding to the channel @return On success, a pointer to an iio_channel structure @return If the index is invalid, NULL is returned

@brief Enumerate the channels of the given device @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return The number of channels found

@brief Retrieve a pointer to the iio_context structure @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return A pointer to an iio_context structure

@brief Retrieve a previously associated pointer of an iio_device structure @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return The pointer previously associated if present, or NULL

@brief Get the debug attribute present at the given index @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param index The index corresponding to the debug attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the index is invalid, NULL is returned

@brief Enumerate the debug attributes of the given device @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return The number of debug attributes found

@brief Retrieve the device ID (e.g. iio:device0) @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return A pointer to a static NULL-terminated string

@brief Retrieve the device name (e.g. xadc) @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return A pointer to a static NULL-terminated string

@brief Get the current sample size @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return On success, the sample size in bytes @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Retrieve the trigger of a given device @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param trigger a pointer to a pointer of an iio_device structure. The pointed pointer will be set to the address of the iio_device structure corresponding to the associated trigger device. @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Identify the channel or debug attribute corresponding to a filename @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param filename A NULL-terminated string corresponding to the filename @param chn A pointer to a pointer of an iio_channel structure. The pointed pointer will be set to the address of the iio_channel structure if the filename correspond to the attribute of a channel, or NULL otherwise. @param attr A pointer to a NULL-terminated string. The pointer pointer will be set to point to the name of the attribute corresponding to the filename. @return On success, 0 is returned, and *chn and *attr are modified. @return On error, a negative errno code is returned. *chn and *attr are not modified.

@brief Return True if the given device is a trigger @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @return True if the device is a trigger, False otherwise

@brief Get the value of a hardware register @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param address The address of the register @param value A pointer to the variable where the value will be written @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Set the value of a hardware register @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param address The address of the register @param value The value to set the register to @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Associate a pointer to an iio_device structure @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param data The pointer to be associated

@brief Configure the number of kernel buffers for a device

@brief Associate a trigger to a given device @param dev A pointer to an iio_device structure @param trigger a pointer to the iio_device structure corresponding to the trigger that should be associated. @return On success, 0 is returned @return On error, a negative errno code is returned

@brief Retrieve the name of a given backend @param index The index corresponding to the attribute @return On success, a pointer to a static NULL-terminated string @return If the index is invalid, NULL is returned

@brief Get the number of available backends @return The number of available backends

@brief Check if the specified backend is available @param backend The name of the backend to query @return True if the backend is available, false otherwise

@brief Get the version of the libiio library @param major A pointer to an unsigned integer (NULL accepted) @param minor A pointer to an unsigned integer (NULL accepted) @param git_tag A pointer to a 8-characters buffer (NULL accepted)

@brief Destroy the given scan block @param blk A pointer to an iio_scan_block structure

@brief Get the iio_context_info for a particular context @param blk A pointer to an iio_scan_block structure @param index The index corresponding to the context. @return A pointer to the iio_context_info for the context @returns On success, a pointer to the specified iio_context_info @returns On failure, NULL is returned and errno is set appropriately

@brief Enumerate available contexts via scan block @param blk A pointer to a iio_scan_block structure. @returns On success, the number of contexts found. @returns On failure, a negative error number.

@brief Destroy the given scan context @param ctx A pointer to an iio_scan_context structure

@brief Enumerate available contexts @param ctx A pointer to an iio_scan_context structure @param info A pointer to a ‘const struct iio_context_info **’ typed variable. The pointed variable will be initialized on success. @returns On success, the number of contexts found. @returns On failure, a negative error number.

@brief Get a string description of an error code @param err The error code @param dst A pointer to the memory area where the NULL-terminated string corresponding to the error message will be stored @param len The available length of the memory area, in bytes

Type Definitions
