libR-sys 0.3.0

Low level bindings to the R programming language.
function ci-cargo {

        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]

    try {    
        echo "::group::$ActionName"
        echo "Running cargo $CargoArgs"
        cargo $CargoArgs
        if($LASTEXITCODE -ne  0) {
            throw $LASTEXITCODE
    catch {
        if ($ActionName -ne $null -and $ActionName -ne "") {
            $ActionName = "'$ActionName': "
        $err_msg = "$($ActionName)cargo failed with code $LASTEXITCODE (args: $CargoArgs)"
        echo "::error::$err_msg"
        Write-Error -Message "$err_msg" -ErrorAction Stop 
    finally {
        echo "::endgroup::"

        Runs cargo with specified args, adapting error handling and output to CI.

        Runs cargo in a `try` block, catches exceptions and non-zero exit codes.
        Explicitly logs the beginning and the end of cargo execution, as well as the error message.

        .PARAMETER CargoArgs
        Arguments passed to cargo, as-is.
        Note that `--` separator is handled by powershell itself,
        so it should be wrapped in quotes `'--'` and passed as string.

        .PARAMETER ActionName
        Optional string that is used to format logs and error messages.

        None. You cannot pipe objects.

        No explicit output.

        PS> ci-cargo --version
            Running cargo --version
            cargo 1.49.0 (d00d64df9 2020-12-05)

        PS> ci-cargo -ActioName "Build"  build

        PS> ci-cargo +stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu test --features tests-all --target i686-pc-windows-gnu '--' --nocapture -ActionName "Called from documentation"

        Used by: