leptess 0.6.1

Rust binding for Tesseract and Leptonica.


CircleCI Crates.io Docs

Productive and safe Rust bindings/wrappers for Tesseract and Leptonica.

Build dependencies

Make sure you have Leptonica and Tesseract installed.

For Ubuntu user:

sudo apt-get install libleptonica-dev libtesseract-dev

You will also need to install tesseract language data based on your OCR needs:

sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-eng


let mut lt = leptess::LepTess::new(None, "eng").unwrap();
println!("{}", lt.get_utf8_text().unwrap());

For more examples, see docs and examples directory.


Regenerate capi binding:

make gen

To run tests, you will need at Tesseract 4.x to match what we have in tests/tessdata/eng.traineddata. See CircleCI config to see how to replicate the setup.