pub macro HKT {
        <$lt:lifetime> => $T:ty $(,)?
    ) => { ... },
            "Lifetime elision case: use `'_` or `&[mut] …` to replace the \
            so-elided lifetimes with a HKT-higher-order one."
        $T:ty $(,)?
    ) => { ... },
Expand description

Ad-hoc impl HKT type.

See the module documentation for more info for more info.


  • use ::lending_iterator::higher_kinded_types::HKT;
    // All these three define the same `HKT` type:
    type StrRef = HKT!(<'any> => &'any str);
    type StrRefElided = HKT!(&str);
    type StrRefElided2 = HKT!(&'_ str);
    type LifetimeParamsWorkToo = HKT!(::std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>);