Expand description

Functions, extension traits and types allowing direct construction of LendingIterators (no need for custom types or implementations!).


The impl LendingIterator returned by from_fn().

Note: since this wrapper only exists to avoid coherence issues, it is guaranteed to be a #[repr(transparent)] wrapper around its inner I.


The impl LendingIterator returned by from_stream().

The impl LendingIterator returned by repeat_mut().



Main ad-hoc / closure-based constructor of LendingIterators.

“Lifts” / converts an [Into]Iterator into an impl LendingIterator

“Lifts” and converts an Unpin Stream into an impl LendingIterator which lends futures (an S, say).

Returns an infinite impl LendingIterator which lends &'next mut State items.

Creates an impl LendingIterator over the sliding windows of a slice, with &mut / exclusive access over them (yields &mut [T] slices).