var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["latest"] = {"doc":"A module for a channel that acts exactly as std::sync::mpsc::channel does, but rather than\nstoring messages in an underlyhing queue, it only stores the latest message.","items":[[0,"map","latest","",null,null],[3,"Sender","latest::map","A clonable Sender of a key and value pair.",null,null],[3,"SendError","","The Receiver was dropped and the channel was closed.",null,null],[3,"Receiver","","The receiver of the HashMap elements.",null,null],[3,"RecvError","","The Sender was dropped and the channel was closed.",null,null],[4,"TrySendError","","An enumeration of the different possible try_send errors.",null,null],[13,"ChannelClosed","","The Receiver was dropped and the channel was closed.",0,null],[13,"WouldBlock","","The mutex is currently locked.",0,null],[4,"TryRecvError","","An enumeration of the different possible try_recv errors.",null,null],[13,"ChannelClosed","","The Senders were dropped and the channel was closed.",1,null],[13,"WouldBlock","","A Sender has acquired the mutex and waiting would block the thread.",1,null],[5,"channel","","Construct a Sender Receiver pair.",null,null],[11,"clone","","",2,null],[11,"send","","Update the underlying hashmap with the given new key, value pair.\nMay block briefly when acquiring access to the Mutex if either:\n- Another sender is sending data at the same time or\n- The receiver is receiving the values.",2,null],[11,"try_send","","Update the underlying hashmap with the given new key, value pair.\nWill return an error if the Mutex is currently locked.\nThis method will never block.",2,null],[11,"recv","","Receive the latest updates to the HashMap.\nMay briefly block if a Sender is currently sending a key value pair.",3,null],[11,"try_recv","","Receive the latest updates to the HashMap.\nWill return an error if the Mutex is currently locked.\nThis method will never block.",3,null],[0,"value","latest","",null,null],[3,"Sender","latest::value","For sending the latest value.",null,null],[3,"SendError","","The Receiver was dropped and the channel was closed.",null,null],[3,"Receiver","","For receiving the latest value if there has been an update.",null,null],[4,"TrySendError","","An enumeration of the different possible try_send errors.",null,null],[13,"ChannelClosed","","The Receiver was dropped and the channel was closed.",4,null],[13,"WouldBlock","","The mutex is currently locked.",4,null],[4,"RecvError","","The different kinds of possible receive errors.",null,null],[13,"ChannelClosed","","The Sender was dropped and the channel was closed.",5,null],[13,"NoNewValue","","There have been no updates to the data since the last receive.",5,null],[4,"TryRecvError","","An enumeration of the different possible try_recv errors.",null,null],[13,"ChannelClosed","","The Sender was dropped and the channel was closed.",6,null],[13,"WouldBlock","","The sender has acquired the mutex and waiting would block the thread.",6,null],[13,"NoNewValue","","There have been no updates to the data since the last receive.",6,null],[5,"channel","","Construct a new sender, receiver pair.",null,null],[11,"clone","","",7,null],[11,"send","","Send the latest value to the receiver.\nThis may block shortly if the receiver has locked the mutex.",7,null],[11,"try_send","","Try and send the latest value to the receiver.\nIf the mutex is currently locked by the receiver, return an Error indicating so.\nThis method will never lock.",7,null],[11,"recv","","Take the latest value if there is one, otherwise return a RecvError.\nThis will block if the mutex is locked.",8,null],[11,"try_recv","","Attempt to retrieve the latest value.\nThis will never block.",8,null]],"paths":[[4,"TrySendError"],[4,"TryRecvError"],[3,"Sender"],[3,"Receiver"],[4,"TrySendError"],[4,"RecvError"],[4,"TryRecvError"],[3,"Sender"],[3,"Receiver"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);