Crate lamcal[][src]

A lambda calculus parser and evaluator library.

This crate implements a pure lambda calculus with the notation of a term as the main data type. A term is either a variable, a lambda abstraction or a function application.

the term

The lambda term is the main data type in lamcal. A lambda term is represented by the enum Term with its variants Term::Var for variables, Term::Lam for lambda abstractions and Term::App for function applications.

We can construct lambda terms programmatically by using the convenient functions var, lam, app and the macro app!.

the parser

The parser of the library supports the classic notation. The parser is invoked by calling the function parse. The input of the parse method can be any data structure that provides an Iterator over char items. To parse a term from a str slice we can use the function parse_str.

  • Variables can be single lower case letters or names with multiple characters where the first character must be a lower case letter. The characters following the first character can be lower case letters, digits, the underscore _ or the tick ''' character.
  • Lambda abstractions start with the greek lowercase letter lambda 'λ' or alternatively with a backslash '\' for easier typing on traditional keyboards. Then follows a variable name as the parameter and a dot '.' that separates the parameter from the body.
  • Function applications are written as two terms side by side separated by whitespace.
  • Parenthesis can be used to group terms and clarify precedence. Outermost parenthesis can be omitted.
  • Function applications are left associative. This means the expression (λx.x) y z is equivalent to the expression
    ((λx.x) y) z.
  • Abstraction bodies are expanded to the right as far as possible. This means the expression λx.x y z is equivalent to the expression λx.(x y z). To apply this abstraction to a variable a we have to use parenthesis like so (λx.x y z) a.

The parser fully supports unicode characters.

the reduction system

The reduction system implements α-conversion and β-reduction.

The functions of the reduction system are provided in two variants: as standalone function and associated function on Term. The standalone function takes the input term by reference and returns the result in a new instance of Term while the input term remains unchanged. The functions associated on Term take the term by mutable reference and apply the reduction on the term in place.

As their are several possible ways (strategies) to implement the reduction rules for α- and β-reduction those strategies are defined as traits. The reduction system is designed based on these traits so that users of the crate can easily implement their own strategies and use them with all the functionality provided by this library.


α-conversion renames bound variables if the name conflicts with a free variable in a function application.

To execute α-conversion on a term we use either the standalone function alpha or the associated function Term::alpha. We must tell those functions which strategy to use for renaming variables. The strategy is specified as a type parameter,
e.g. alpha::<Enumerate>(&expr).

The trait AlphaRename defines the strategy for renaming variables in case of possible name clashes. The provided implementations are Enumerate and Prime.


β-reduction evaluates function applications according a chosen strategy.

To execute β-reduction on a term we use either the standalone function reduce or the associated function Term::reduce. We must tell those functions which strategy we want ot use for reduction. The strategy is specified as a type parameter,
e.g. reduce::<NormalOrder>(&expr).

The trait BetaReduce defines the strategy applied when performing a β-reduction. The provided implementations are CallByName and NormalOrder



The app! macro can be used to conveniently construct an sequence of function applications.



Implementation of a β-reduction applying the call-by-name strategy.


Represents a position in a stream of chars.


Implementation of AlphaRename that appends an increasing number to the name.


Implementation of a β-reduction applying the normal-order strategy.


An error that occurs during parsing of expressions.


Implementation of AlphaRename that appends a tick symbol '' at the end of a variable name.


A variable with a given name.



The kind of a parse error.


A term in the lambda calculus.


A token in a lambda expression.



Defines a strategy for renaming variables during α-conversion of terms.


Defines a strategy for β-reduction of terms.



Performs an α-conversion on a given lambda expression and returns the result as a new Term.


Constructs a function application with the lhs term to be applied to the rhs term.


Applies a given lambda abstraction to the given substitution term and returns the result as a new Term.


Constructs a Hint from a type that can be converted into a String.


Constructs a lambda abstraction with given parameter and body.


Parses the input into a Term.


Parses a str slice into Term.


Parses a list of Tokens into a Term.


Constructs a CharPosition from line and column.


Performs a β-reduction on a given lambda expression applying the given reduction strategy.


Replaces all free occurrences of the variable var in the expression expr with the expression repl and returns the resulting expression.


Converts a stream of chars into a list of Tokens.


Converts a str slice into a list of Tokens.


Constructs a variable of the given name.