kubectl-view-allocations 0.7.1

kubectl plugin to list allocations (cpu, memory, gpu,... X requested, limit, allocatable,...)
kubectl-view-allocations-0.7.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: kubectl-view-allocations-0.19.2


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Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. Actions Status Documentation

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kubectl plugin lists allocations for resources (cpu, memory, gpu,...) as defined into the manifest of nodes and running pods. It doesn't list usage like kubectl top. It can provide result grouped by namespaces, nodes, pods and filtered by resources'name.

Columns displayed :

  • Requested : Quantity of resources requested by the container in the pod's manifest. It's the sum group by pod, namespace, node where container is running.
  • %Requested : Percentage of resources requested over what is allocatable in the group.
  • Limit : Quantity of resources max (limit) requestable by the container in the pod's manifest. It's the sum group by pod, namespace, node where container is running.
  • %Limit : Percentage of resources max / limit over what is allocatable in the group.
  • Allocatable : Allocatable resources defined (or detected) on nodes.
  • Free : Allocatable - max (Limit, Requested)


via binary

Download from github's release or use script

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidB/kubectl-view-allocations/master/scripts/getLatest.sh | bash

via cargo

cargo install kubectl-view-allocations


Show help

kubectl-view-allocations -h

kubectl-view-allocations 0.2.2-dev
kubectl plugin to list allocations (cpu, memory, gpu,... X requested, limit, allocatable,...)

    kubectl-view-allocations [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help         Prints help information
    -z, --show-zero    Show lines with zero requested and zero limit and zero allocatable
    -V, --version      Prints version information

    -g, --group-by <group-by>...              Group informations (hierarchicaly) (default: -g resource -g node -g pod)
                                              [possible values: resource, node, pod]
    -n, --namespace <namespace>               Show only pods from this namespace
    -r, --resource-name <resource-name>...    Filter resources shown by name(s), by default all resources are listed

show gpu allocation

> kubectl-view-allocations -r gpu

 Resource                                   Requested  %Requested  Limit  %Limit  Allocatable  Free
  nvidia.com/gpu                                    7         58%      7     58%           12     5
  ├─ node-gpu1                                      1         50%      1     50%            2     1
  │  └─ xxxx-784dd998f4-zt9dh                       1                  1
  ├─ node-gpu2                                      0          0%      0      0%            2     2
  ├─ node-gpu3                                      0          0%      0      0%            2     2
  ├─ node-gpu4                                      1         50%      1     50%            2     1
  │  └─ aaaa-1571819245-5ql82                       1                  1
  ├─ node-gpu5                                      2        100%      2    100%            2     0
  │  ├─ bbbb-1571738839-dfkhn                       1                  1
  │  └─ bbbb-1571738888-52c4w                       1                  1
  └─ node-gpu6                                      2        100%      2    100%            2     0
     ├─ bbbb-1571738688-vlxng                       1                  1
     └─ cccc-1571745684-7k6bn                       1                  1

overview only

> kubectl-view-allocations -g resource

 Resource            Requested  %Requested  Limit  %Limit  Allocatable   Free
  cpu                       11          6%     56     28%          200    144
  ephemeral-storage          0          0%      0      0%          5Ti    5Ti
  memory                  25Gi          5%  164Gi     34%        485Gi  320Gi
  nvidia.com/gpu             9         75%      9     75%           12      3
  pods                       0          0%      0      0%          1Ki    1Ki

group by namespaces

> kubectl-view-allocations -g namespace

 Resource            Requested  %Requested  Limit  %Limit  Allocatable   Free
  cpu                       11          6%     56     28%          200    144
  ├─ default                 2                 28
  └─ dev                     9                 28
  ephemeral-storage          0          0%      0      0%          5Ti    5Ti
  memory                  25Gi          5%  164Gi     34%        485Gi  320Gi
  ├─ cert-manager         96Mi              256Mi
  ├─ default               4Gi               76Gi
  ├─ dev                  13Gi               77Gi
  ├─ dns-external        280Mi              680Mi
  ├─ docs                256Mi              384Mi
  ├─ ingress-nginx       512Mi                2Gi
  ├─ kube-system         640Mi              840Mi
  ├─ loki                  1Gi                1Gi
  ├─ monitoring            3Gi                3Gi
  └─ weave                 1Gi                1Gi
  nvidia.com/gpu             9         75%      9     75%           12      3
  └─ dev                     9                  9
  pods                       0          0%      0      0%          1Ki    1Ki
