[][src]Derive Macro kube_derive::CustomResource

    // Attributes available to this derive:

A custom derive for kubernetes custom resource definitions.

This will generate a root object that implements the k8s_openapi::Metadata and k8s_openapi::Resource traits for this type so it can be used with kube::Api

Additionally, it will implement a Foo::crd function which will generate the, CustomResourceDefinition at the specified api version (or v1 if unspecified).


This example is not tested
#[derive(CustomResource, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[kube(group = "clux.dev", version = "v1", namespaced)]
struct FooSpec {
    prop1: String,
    prop2: Vec<bool>,
    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    prop3: Option<i32>,

This example creates a struct Foo containing metadata, the spec, and optionally status.

The struct should be named MyKindSpec for it to infer the Kind is MyKind normally. But you can also use an arbitrary name if you supply #[kube(kind = "MyFoo")]

Setting printercolumns + subresources are also supported.

Try cargo-expand to see your own macro expansion.